This week to gnome Island,going to kill hordes on that island:No ,i will not go on that island .
So i was thinking how to punish the game .Don’t tell me to turn wm off,screw your ignorance,you won’t hang me with this,i won’t even lock at your post if you tell me to turn wm off.
I’d prefer not to go to Mechagon this week at all,no for rep,no for pvp, for this bad it is,i don’t even care about reward,you can triple the reward on Mechagon,nope,i won’t go ,not even in group,i will go only for dungeon and this is all,my reputation is only honored with those mechagnomes,i don’t care at all,you screwed this so bad,that i prefer to go offline.
Comrade Dyatlov, we have a meltdown.
Ok, I’ll let Blizz tell you to turn off War Mode…
"If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode."
Source: Blizzard Support
What exactly happened there?
I’ll tell you exactly what happened there: as i landed on the island i was killed on my own flight master by horde raid,what’s worse is that they continued to kill guards and everyone alike who they don’t like,i was ganked for hours,i logged out after ,when i returned the situation was still worse,horde raid ganked both in the Rustbolt and outside,could do nothing,alliance where too less to bee found and those dead like me aswell,tried to put some raid,but with only 4 people against 20=0 chance,i left from there nervous, without doing something,i returned after a day, after 10 minutes in mechagon,horde raiding Rustbolt,ally gets angry of how it’s allowed something like this.
Ally it’s dead on Mechagon,everyone it’s for himself,only horde cares to do whatever they want.
basically i can only die there.How many times i go there it happens always the same thing,so i am tired of your horde behavior.
You must have really bad luck. Not once have i ever seen a horde raid wipe rustbolt once but ive been in ally groups and weve done it its fairly easy to kill a player in rustbolt even solo and escape. You got bad very bad luck
Shard hunt a winning CtA. Should take you half an hour tops the first couple of evenings of the quest and last night before reset.
Stop just going in alone like John Wayne.
From my point of view, it is alliance who team up and gank horde. It’s more intensive closer to weekly reset when alliance suddenly want to complete the PvP quests. I don’t criticise that but when we eventually form a group as a counter strike, alliance just run or move to pick another single target. But to be honest, neither me nor any player I’ve seen do a whole raid for that. Horde, or me (as I probably should speak by myself), usually attack to challenge players, which IMO is the whole spirit of PvP and what it should be about. I many times get spat for that, although I don’t understand why; WM on is to me a message “challenge me”. But I believe mass killing does happen on both sides. When Blizzard introduced “bonus”, the whole WPvP tends to be like that. Massive kill and run until next week.
Tears of pride are filling my eye-sockets and I dont even have tear ducts anymore.
“Bliz put OP guards in our harbor because Alliance looks for killing there when they have a weekly to kill Horde players in Zuldazar! We hide there for a reason, btw plz forget we did the same in their harbor and to not buff theirs”
Be proud of the faction that expects everything to be easy game, but the moment we visit you because we can’t find you in the jungles they complained for better guards.
Horde: “We gank Allaince at all FPs and every Tortallian hub in Kul’tiras! Whiners, how dare they they complain?!”
Alliance does the same in December for a mere week
Horde: “Alliance are cowards for FP ganking at FPs!”
Yes I enjoyed that week, you made Alliance lives a hell for 4 months. For 4 months I couldn’t use FPs because I usually ended up dead, had to use the Tortallian base in Zuldazar because Horde ganked the one in Stormsong on a near constant basis. But it’s oke and fun WPvP only if you’re the one doing the ganking, not if we do it. Then we are cowards.
“We want WPvP!” > “wait they gank FPs and make raids like we did aswell as payback? UNFAIR!”
It worked though had plenty of months of 15% bonus for Alliance. Till 8.2 dropped…
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