Call to Arms quests serve no purpose whatsoever

These weekly “kill 10/25 players in X zone” quests are pretty dumb if you ask me.

They cause the most degenerate gameplay of 5 people either flying around the zone picking of solo people, or sitting on questgivers 24/7 (like in Uldum during Aqir assault) waiting for people to pick up or turn in their quests.


It encourages conflict, good for War Mode. Doesn’t matter why they are doing it, PvP flagged players are being killed = WPvP.


pretty much the nature of warmode, pick overpowered classes & get a healer to babysit you while you outnumber people, then run away if you get outnumbered


Tactics :slight_smile:

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I agree. Blizzard don’t seem to be able to learn from what the past. Groups are almost like cheating in PvP. It is not rewarding at all apart from completing a quest, it is not giving me a sense of having skills, or a sense of having mastered my class.

I usually quest with WM off and do pvp, separately. 10% is just nothing. I am a bit tired of looking for groups to do PvP. I wish I already had Silver of N’Zoth as it is great addition to the game so you can actually fight everyone!

I was doing Nazjatar today and had 50% hp when a shaman attacked me. I pulled bunch of mobs and rushed him while using self heals. I fought him for a while and he started running away only to get crushed by mobs.

Typical pvp behavior but it was funny seeing a ganker run for his life.


I’m pretty amazed how this quests turn the world to a big war zone. The world feels alive and dangerous. I love it.


Ye it’s great, WPvP is alive and well - kill em all!


I don’t see the problem.

If there is a kill squad of horde/alliance what you can do is this magical revolutionary thing called grouping up and getting a payback.


I don’t think it encourage people to conflict. I think it make it opposite.

Too many time when i do World PvP people tell me " why do you kill him, we are not in a call to arm zone. "

Those quest just motivate people that play for the same motive like bonus mode but after that dodge combat/desactivate War Mode.
And beacause it’s a reward people don’t want to make effort and start to make group. I would agree if people do it like a quest if it does not finish weekly. But beacause it finish weekly people won’t spend 8hours to that quest for the reward, they want it down in 5 mn and next they desactivate war mode to do not “waist there time with player”.

I would admit that quest could be good if :

  • not only for 1 zone
  • No flying mount
  • Reward only avaible in War Mode ( buff on map or something).

Those player’s comments can simply be ignored.

WM on = kill it.

If enemies WM on for bonus, so much the better - make them earn it.

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Yea but it will be better if they stay forever war mode or not. Like i got enought of following people in the end of the world beacause they refuse to fight. That not my kind of thing.

Ah, hehe, I like chasing em!

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I would just much rather just have the “Against Overwhelming Odds” quest for both factions and the zone call to arms quests removed.

And to compensate for the loss or conquest/honor reward from scrapping those weekly 3 quests, just increase both the reward and requirements for this single quest.

Imagine just having one weekly quests that said
“Kill 50 (or 100) players of the opposite faction”.
Rewards 150 (or 250) conquest + gear + gold

That way the world pvp can at least be more organically and in any zone, instead of being shoved into 3 specific zones that just promote giant death swarms of 5-men groups that swoop down as soon as someone dismounts.

I don’t know man. My it’s just be but I kinda feel that the alliance will be underwhelmed a lit if the Horde would also get the quest since they have the players. This follows with more players if the alliance leaving the warmode cause of the fear getting ganked.

Blizz don’t want dead zones for WM I guess. With CTA the zones get used.

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Kinda and kinda not, the thought behind it is good to encourage conflict for the war mode. But the reality is that it encourages creating groups that will fly around in the assaults or other zones where the quests are, hunting down people that are either smaller groups or alone, people that wont have a chance to actually fight back against them.

That’s wpvp tho.

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Yeah sadly that is what wpvp in reality is. Wpvp is nice in theory, but in reality its in a pretty bad state for most tbh.
Hard to make Wpvp actually good when it comes to the zones, which is why i found Tol Barad in Cataclysm to be a lot more fun, dedicating a zone to the pvp because it was just more functional even though thats not real wpvp.

I guess it’s just about what we consider fun. I personally love WPvP as is. To me, being in a group and kill on sight is much fun. WPvP has never been about skill or fair fights from day one. It is what it is - chaos. Fun for some! :slight_smile:

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