Call to shards

I am currently grinding out the rep for flying, this means I daily do the mechagon qs.
Yesterday the call to arms quest was for mechagon.
Normally I love a bit of open war.
However with sharding the call to arms seems to result in shards being dominated by either horde or alliance.
These grps then prey on the few unfortunates who are in their shard.
The shard I joined in was so dominated by the horde that we killed alliance inside the rustbolt base. ( the guards really dont do jack)
For the sake of open world pvp I hope a more balanced version of shards + warmode is in the works.

Anyone have similar experience or ideas?

I doubt it’s possible to improve it by much, without being disruptive to players. Getting shunted to another shard would be the solution, but that’s terrible for gameplay.

I hope there is an alternative. This form of wpvp is horribly one sided

yes, people have been mentioning it for quite a while now. WarMode is one of those things that in paper looks amazing but the implementation is to be desired to say the least. Same during Battle of Nazjatar event, its never a battle of two factions, more like a total stomp unfortunately.

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Works pretty good :slight_smile:

Vaeyn need a break from WM forum soon yikes

I’ll take a break when complainers take a break :slight_smile:


This thread wasnt a complaint.

Sry, it looked like a complaint.

Hoping for improvement is not a complaint.

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Ok point taken, not a complaint.

Fine, read what you so desperately want to read.

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