Call water elemental glitch

so recently starting playing my frost mage again and yeah its ok for now, but somehow something is wrong, nowhere in my talent tree have i selected water elemental and for some reason when i enter combat, im getting a bold yellow message saying call water elemental !!!, cant call what i dont have. does anyone else have this. its bugging the crap out of me and i cant for the life and soul see why its happening. this is with or without addons so its not a addon issue. any help would be greatly appreciated

It has to be a weakaura or some rotation helper

nope this is happening with or without addons loaded

Water Elemental is now baked into Icy Veins, it’s no longer its own spell.

Two theories: -

You’re maybe running a macro that previously incorporated the Water Elemental in some way, in which case, check your keybinds.

Or there’s some remnant of an addon still screwing around in there, as on my Shaman for example, it will still notify me of transmog appearances that I’m missing for other armour types, despite the fact I deleted the addon that did this years ago. In which case, delete your cache+WTF folders and delete and redownload your addons.

Im having the same problem and its driving me nuts. Have you managed to sort it out?

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