Camera zoom in/out

Here is the picture of my zoomed out camera + ui. As other have pointed out I probably used the console command ages ago and forgotten

Heres my screen. Maybe its not elv ui that does it. Must have been the command

Thank you. Here’s mine

I don’t know why.

When they cut the zoom way down in 7.0, I could barely play at all, but there was a great addon at the time where the author had discovered a loophole in their restrictions.

Then they closed the loophole but relaxed the distance to 39 yards.

And I can play at 39 yards. But after an hour or so, my eyes sting and water. Optician doesn’t know why either. Talked a bunch of maybes, none of which work.

What really hurts is Classic.

This is me doing Raden tonight on the maximum zoom out. I do find it varies on where you are.

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