Camouflage for hunters

You cannot have trap luncher if you want to be melee hunter with dmg. With 2h weapon the melee hunt hit like puppy.

would prefer aspect of the turtle <3

That and 1, not everything is vulnerable to traps and 2, if you’ve got a frigging dazed on you then slowing traps do nothing.

All they want is Pet versus Player in stealth mode ----> Well you have already it but you want it in AFK mode
But I agree you should get also poison as rogue and even backstabe etcetc , after all developers don’t like rogue and you are the new melee class OP

Don’t know about the hunters but you the rogues have it rune for combo points which will be made by the other players, and you will just press one button, so don’t cry so much.

yes and we have at each patch an UP on dps …yes sure we are the OP class with HEAL and BUFF that everybody wants for STV Event or Gnon raid

I think a modern desengage is more important.

The point is , melee hunters are A better version to rogues. Better damage + kings for the whole party :see_no_evil:

And that is the reason i don’t want camouflage. We just want rework on the useless abilities as arcane shot, disengage, mongoose bite and few other. It is simple.