[Campaign A/H/N] The Crimson Compass - Campaign Over!

Sounds like a grand opportunity for those with the mind for it. The Blood Rose might be sighted when it comes time for it.

(The Blood Rose is a natural ship of smugglers. We’d happily sign up and volunteer to help run any DMed events.)

PS. I made this post first on the wrong character


The skies above are an unbroken sea of blue, not a singular cloud to be seen that hasn’t been swept away by the winds of earlier. The sun shines down upon the Golden Cutlass that sails across the crystal clear seas. Calm waves hit against the hull of the rickety brigantine as if Neptulon himself had granted them a safe journey, were he feeling spiteful the sea could very well tear this ship apart in its current state.

Within the captain’s cabin Kathrine looks out of the glassed window by her study, admiring the picture perfect portrait. The frown on her face betrayed her true feelings of comfort and happiness, this is a way of life for her, moments like these for however long it lasts for her were to be treasured. However there is business to attend to, sparing one last glance she got up for her seat, it scraps across the wooden floor filling the room with a screeching until she stood up fully. One hand reaching for the sealed letter on her study as she makes for the door.

Leaving the privacy of her cabin, heavy footsteps taps against the wooden flooring of the ship each one louder than the next serving as a warning to the crew that the Captain is on the prowl. Pushing the door forwards, she walking through it onto the main deck as a bellowing voice calls out towards her crew, “Vex, where is she?” Kathrine demanded. Eye like a hawk sweeping across the ship waiting impatiently for the response to her question.

A high pitched voice calls out from the galley, “Captain?” Short after a short green figure with radiant purple hair emerges from up the stairs. She scurries past the crew coming to a halt in front of Kathrine. A hand extends out towards Vex holding the sealed letter towards her, which does so without hesitation but there’s a hint of uncertainty in her expression. “You’re really going through with this destroying the Compass mumbo jumbo, Captain? I thought we were going to snatch for ourselves. Rule the seas like you said?” she questioned her eyes shifting away from her Captain’s gaze.

“These are just precautions, of course the intention is to snatch it and use it but if the power is too much to be controlled. I must know how to rid us of it, if I can’t have it then nobody else can,” her tongue runs across her teeth for a moment in thought before opening her mouth to continue. “We must lead the others to believe that we are in league with them, it means more man power for us and meatshields. Besides we’re pirates, we lie, we cheat and much more, that’s what we do,” she smiles, gesting around the ship with the wave of her hand. “Scruffs will supply you with the portal needed to deliever this, go now,” she demands.

Vex let out a sigh of relief having expected Kathrine to react in a more volatile manner for questioning her methods. She looks up towards her Captain nodding her head in acknowledge before rapidly making her way towards the ship’s mage for transport. Kathrine watches her go with her hands folded behind her back without so much as a second thought towards her plans. She now silently observes the rest of the crew as they go about their business, a sense of determination washing over her.

Captain, ship…- no wait ships inbound starboard, something’s stirring up the sea too I don’t like the looks of this” the lookout calls from above pointing towards his right. She raised a brow, heading over the right side of the ship to get a look, reaching into her pocket to pull out her spyglass.

How they’d find us?” she mutters beneath her breath in annoyance noting the gold tusks on the torn sails of the ships in the distance she wastes no time sight seeing. She turns to her crew “Full speed ahead, we’ll try out maneuver them. I want the cannons prepared just incase they reach us, no mercy is to be given. Sink these blighters to the depths where they belong!” she demands towards her crew who rapidly comply.

The ships had been barely holding together as it from their last engagement, if it wasn’t being tested before it surely was now. Sails pushed out further than they could withstand, the ship threatened to break apart at any given moment but no matter how fast they moved whatever stirred the waters violently moved twice as fast.

As a large fin broke the surface of the water, the concern of the lookout grew upon the realisation of the large lurking shadow accompanied by it. “Captain…-”, his words cut short as something smacks against the hull of the ship causing to rock violently and forcing everyone aboard off balance as they toppled over. Unfortunate for the look out, he didn’t have as much ground to stand on as the rest of the crew. He topples over the crow’s nest falling down towards the lower deck, the cracking of bones can be heard from the impact landing on his head, leaving him dead.

Get up, get up, fire!” Kathrine demanded rising up to her feet, she didn’t know at what exactly but she didn’t care, “Get up or you’ll be finding yourselves joining him soon enough” gestures towards the lookout.

The crew began to rally up to their positions once more as quickly as they could, but it was futile as another smack against the hull of the ship sent falling like dominoes again, a hole shattered below deck.

The ship slowed down with no secure structure keeping in place, water seeping in through a hole larger than any cannon ball could cause in singular blow. Some of the crew began to slide off holding onto dear life, out of the water a maw so wide it could swallow the entire crew whole opened. Razor sharp predatory teeth on display proudly, ready to consume its reward.

Kathrine stares into the gaping maw, shivers sent down her spine, truthfully she was terrified but she had always been too proud to admit when she’s defeated especially in the face of death. She felt that any sign of weakness from her might cause a stir for mutiny within the crew, stealing her of her heritage, her legacy. Part of her wanted to scream out for help, seeking the comfort of another in hopes that they could tell her everything’s going to be okay. The maw chomps down onto the ship tearing away at its wooden frame with ease closing in closer to the remain crew that held on for dear life.

It reeked of death, parts of the beast skin rotten, flesh dangling off of it and bones on display. If this is how it was going to end, better it be over sooner than later. She did what any Captain might do, go down with the ship. One hand reaches for the sword removing it from its holster as the other lets go of her hold on the wood banister pointing the sword towards her descent, “So be it” she mutters.


This looks amazing! I’d love to sign Kother up as an individual for the Alliance.
Happy to help out if you need it, too!

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Your campaigns always hit their mark, Ercia!

I’ll be there if you’ll take me!

Edit: Already was signed up somehow before the comment I made.

Signed up on the previous thread, just switched it over due to editing was causing a mess with it being transitioned from the old forums!

I am so excited for this, cannot wait!

I might continue adding a few shorts now and again building up towards the campaign if motivation and time allows it but other looking forward to seeing you all there!


I would like to sign up Thenell Shadowmoon and Ninaril Darkbloom for the Alliance part of things.

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Oof seems like Horde is vastly outnumbered at the moment!

Perhaps a cap on Alliance sign ups for now is needed then?

I am considering it, but not sure if it’s entirely needed when the campaign is meant to be more story driven than RP-PvP for the majority of it!

Hi, if there is a place for a lone Demon Hunter to join for the Alliance then please sign me up. This looks really really good :slight_smile:

I agree with Yorold, I think you probably should put up a cap on the Alliance just to be safe rather than sorry if any rp-pvp happens.

I’m putting a hold on the current sign ups for alliance. It’s to give Horde a fighting chance should the situation arise for any RP-PvP interaction throughout the campaign, once/if more hordes have signed up. I’ll allow further sign ups then.



Falchion would like to participate.
One of ours, a Corlessa, has already signed up I believe.

We’re a Neutral bunch of Mercs.



You got me interested with that great hook (pun intended)

Do you need any Volunteers? I’d be happy to help on Dawncastle or my Horde alt.

Either side works at the moment, should you have a preference, although seemingly alliance is getting the most sign ups at the moment. I’d be happy to take you on board as a volunteer!

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Hey, I’d like to sign up on this character as Neutral, please.

Welcome aboard. \o/

Alas, due to unforeseen events and occurrences, definitely none of which involved rum, explosions or evading the law (for once), Myself and the crew of the Tempest will be unable to attend.

Extremely sorry for any inconvenience, real life pops up you know?

However, I look forward to the next grand parley and hope this goes well for everyone!