I tried to do a gear update on one character and now I can’t play anymore. After loggin in it sends me to the character creation screen and going back to the character selection screen doesn’t work because it automatically returns me to the creation screen. Help!
Many seem to have this issues as of this morning
Seems to be a general problem… in Europe we have the same problem… as of this morning. After using the Update Gear Manager stuck in character creation and nothing works… basically you cannot play
Update: When I click ESC I can see my characters for the fraction of a second or so… and for the chars where I used my “Update Gear Manager” stands “Verabeitung” (German for: Processing).
So this basically confirms a bug with the Gear Update Manager.
Same issue here, can not play the game
Can a Blue Post confirm this issue, it is getting on my nerves, Ticket is open for 5 hours and nothing.
I was able to log in and play again. Gear update option seems to have disappeared.
What did you do? I still cannot log on… may it be a time problem? When you start the Gear Update first…? How many hours have passed?
Like just now it got removed? I cant still not log in
Yeah still no joy for me. I suspect behind the scenes the gear update is processing on all the characters you tried it on and it won’t let you do anything til that’s happened. Can you log in to the character you did the gear update on, and has it changed anything re: gear/quests etc?
The chars I did the gear update, just for fun… I would just be happy if I can play with some other chars, or even logging to another realm, but nothing… still stuck on this stupid char creator editor…
For all the issue is also here: Stuck in Character Editor Loop
Message: Interface/GlueXML/CharacterSelect.lua:1417: attempt to index field ‘flow’ (a nil value)
Time: Wed Jul 19 12:33:05 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/GlueXML/CharacterSelect.lua:1417: attempt to index field ‘flow’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/GlueXML/CharacterSelect.lua”]:1417: in function CharacterSelect_SelectCharacter' [string "@Interface/GlueXML/CharacterSelect.lua"]:1320: in function
[string “@Interface/GlueXML/CharacterSelect.lua”]:607: in function `CharacterSelect_OnEvent’
[string “*CharacterSelect.xml:1634_OnEvent”]:1: in function <[string “*CharacterSelect.xml:1634_OnEvent”]:1>
Locals: index = 4
noCreate = true
charID = 4
text = “Enter World”
boostInProgress = true
_ = false
_ = false
_ = false
isTrialBoostLocked = false
revokedCharacterUpgrade = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = “Enter World”
(*temporary) = “attempt to index field ‘flow’ (a nil value)”
Lua error, as i’m stuck in char creation.
same issue here
In Germany there is finally a blue post
confirming the bug
Do they have an ETA? Because I’m going to work in like 1.5 h and I kinda wanna see my weekly vaults before lol
Nope, unfortunately not… but as far as I am seeing the have maintanance from 0.00h to 5.00 pm German Time.
Yeah that maintenence was scheduled for me aswell but that was before the bluepost even
Yeah here too…
Then let’s hope that the maintanence fixes the issue…
A day without WoW is a waste one but fortunately not a lost one^^
I am so sick and tired of this bs, it just seems endless with the bugs since BFA. I just hope they get this sorted in the next hour or two, it can’t be that difficult to fix, it’s only a simple character select problem.
By the way they mean maintenance tonight at midnight 00:00 - 05:00 am. The servers will be up but there may be disconnect issues.