Can Alliance at least recognize Horde deserve something?

We are facing long queue in BG and we play vs you.

We face your premade since 2 years from Classic Vanilla to Classic TBC.

We are struggling to get PvP gear.

Sometime we kill you in world, it’s not because we don’t like you, it’s because sometime some zug zug initiate a fight and then the mass follow, but you’ll see sometime the Horde guy that do nothing. Sometime we just want to fight because we got bullied earlier, some of us just want to minmax honor as well.

We recognize that if you played on Classic Vanilla and got ganked in BRM multiple time in phase 2, it was a dark moment of our history, but I promise there’s no dumb system in this game that require to do that again.

For the horde. HvH please Blizzard.


I noticed some players from alliance are so angry about this, like it were something personal. We are the same people, we just choose a different look while starting the game.
We all want to play, I don’t get why some people can’t play normally and some other people is happy for that reason.
Most of the players should be over 28 or so, returning to the game they loved while growing up. How can an adult person be so inmature?!


Yup, as a mostly pvp player i feel ya. I’d hate those queues also. And even though its mostly your own fault cause meta slave gaming smtng should be done. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay for game time to sit in que, but lets be honest. This is wrong way to fix it


I think it’s the fact that it’s equal and they think they are inferior somehow, even if it is only racials.


For the game, no HvH. It’s game breaking.

Only sensible solution is a free faction change tryout to balance the scales, even though that’s disgusting too. All retail services and functions should generally be avoided.


no time to wait for that and hope it solves the problem (which it won’t).
stop repeating yourself.

And can the horde at least recognize that allowing HvH to happen puts Alliance in a position of not being able to offer anything to its PvP players ? Resulting in Alliance on PvP servers saying “Whats the point of staying Alliance, we get mass ganked in the open world, and now the que is the same + they have better racials”.

Yes, something needs to change for the Horde, but HvH is only a one sided fix. Not even one sided alone, but a very destructive fix for the Alliance side that clearly (For the most part) chose friends and fun over op racials as a priority.

Rest assured, Blizzard in its laziness and run to grab as much money as possible will make merc mode a standard so Alliance pays for boosts to play Horde, and faction swaps when its introduced. Its a horrible company that only focuses on milking its players to the max, they dont care for Alliance or Horde, or WoW at all.

Edit: Not sure why I made this as a reply to Dottie, it was aimed at the creator of this topic.


That’s cynical view, it even out cynicals me. I think they like the money but they do think the game they made is good and are trying to make it better. Players just disagree with what they do, which of course they have a right to do.

100%, but iv played long enough to see and remember what Blizzard was like when they actually cared, how it started to change, and I clearly see what they are like now as a company. You want to think they still give a damn? I am happy for you, I stopped believing a long time ago.

Another small edit: They know where merc mode leads, not the sole cause but one in a long line of Horde favoritism that eventually leads to Alliance servers dying out because everyone has been migrating to the Horde side for years. Did Blizzard do anything to try and stop this? No, ofc not, why would they? They are making a killing from people moving 10 chars over to other servers.

Yes, they care so much that they are prepared to do it all again for the second time. No excuse.


This is the same company that sacked 800 off its staff in 2019 and hired new staff on redacted earnings contracts right.

Yeah they really care. :clown_face: Calling that a cynical view is tacit ignorance.

I think the financial side and the creative side are different.

One side has passionate makers and the other side are heartless corporate types, and we all know ruthless corpos are part sociopaths.

the people that made the game no longer there and the people that are “trying to make it better” are actually destroying the IP


yeah and t-shirts outta primark cost £3 and ones that are built to last don’t.

You’re supposed to be resident smart boy round here are you not?

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What does IP refer to in this context?

I have primark t-shirts I’ve had for 6 years, and I wear them more than you think. Same for the trousers I have from there. I’ve had sports soccer (Or whatever they are called now) t-shirts I’ve had for 10 years.

i bought a Ramones one last year at its FUBAR and gets used as a rag to clean oil off my motorbike.

I bought my Ramones t-shirt 3 years ago and it’s fine. I’m pretty sure it’s unlicensed though.

for sure, it washed outta shape in literally 4 or so cycles and i only hang clothes up outside.

If you hang them by the shoulders or the bottom they do go out of shape. I put mine on the line across the middle, but I think we are getting off the point here.

With out derailing the topic much further, do I think a good choice for us (The players) should also when possible be a good financial decision for Blizzard ? Sure, and I welcome it. If I like the decision they make I dont care if they make more money because of it. This is why for a while I was ok with store stuff (early on) because I saw them still improving the game and making good decisions. If they made more money, on something that no one was forced to buy I was 100% fine with it because I saw it as them having a higher budget to improve the game.

But, they stopped doing this long ago, they have cut the resources that are devoted to the game while ramping up the game store stuff, and releasing content just as the 6 month subs are running out.

Yes, its a horrible practice that follows the money first.

“Take care of your customers and employees first, and profits will follow.” - Jack C. Taylor

I think the truth lies somewhere inbetween. They do care about the game, but they also can’t afford to lose a significant chunk of their playerbase over “game integrity”. Ofc this means that if Alliance starts unsubbing en masse they will do something, just as they did for Horde. But as long as it’s Alliance migrating/rerolling Horde (see the case with Herod-US), they won’t care THAT much - it’s still the same subs after all.

And mind you, I don’t believe the whole “old Blizz no longer exist” narrative some ppl here like to reiterate. If anything, I think it’s the old playerbase that doesn’t exist anymore. Because the cultural shift that came with Youtube, Twitch, Discord and overall min-maxing attitude (which was present back then but much more misaimed and less fed on actual knowledge/calculations, plus lacking the kind of stage Internet offers now with logs, streaming etc.), and WoW as a whole didn’t transition well into the new environment. They tried to turn this game into some kind of PvP/PvE e-sport (and I don’t blame them for trying, considering what else succeeded on the gaming scene), but WoW just wasn’t built with this premise - not just the whole esport stuff, but people having perfect knowledge about the game (just think of faction balance, for example - nobody who created PvP servers anticipated ppl coordinating to the degree we see today with mass migrations etc).

Long story short, Blizz didn’t change much. The gaming scene (and audience) mainly did. And WoW didn’t adapt well to the new environment. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m still having fun. But the kind of MMORPG experience some ppl expected from Classic is long gone.