Can anyone tell me why the level scaling stops at 70

Seems like a waste of old content. I just want a button that goes. Ah I like the world to scale up to max level. So, if I feel like doing the quests from old world content I can. I know you can still do the quests but it’s really off putting to see everything die in one hit.

The tech is there, I just don’t understand why it’s not a toggle. One thing I would say is, don’t have the raids or dungeons scale. Just so you can solo the quests inside the instances.

Because then you wouldn’t need the latest expansion.


To encourage players into the current expansion content (and to buy the current expansion if they haven’t done so yet). They want players in there doing that.

It really is that simple.

Blizzard don’t really care about Anduin, Azeroth, Jaina or any of the rest of it. All they really care about is real life loot - your hard earned dollars sitting plumply in their bank accounts.

I don’t think that is accurate. People still want new content and to access the new lvl cap. Most people would need to and want to upgrade. Look I understand what ur saying but the tech to cap exp is in the game, implementing it would not be an issue. To make a system like this work. As I said all the tech is there.

Its why I don’t understand why there is no toggle button.

Scaling works from 10-70, this means it doesn’t matter which route you take to get to 70 you will be scaled with the world.

The last part will always be in the current expansion, in this case 70-80. This means that players who just have a sub can access everything up to the last expansion and can have various levelling journeys via Chromie time.

If Chromie time was changed to allow you to go 10-80 it would have to give different xp to people depending on whether or not they had the current latest expansion and game time. It would also remove our ability to go back and do lower content solo.

I can see an argument for openning up Chromie Time to current Max Level somewhat sooner. Perhaps in X.2 patch assuming the current campaign has been completed on at least one character.
Personally I’d have a quest line to upgrade Heirlooms to current max that would also open up this new Chromie Time max. I don’t think Heirlooms are worth the current gold cost so doing them via a quest line gives us content and saves us gold.

I guess the idea is that for long term players, they’ve done that content. So don’t want it to be a challenge if they need to go back just to farm something.

I like it the way it is.

I think that’s on the money. Have max level chromie time attached to the campaign. I think this is such an elegant solution. It solves the issues with max level scaling. It would also to be easy to implement.


Once you’ve maxed a character it would be great to have an option like the OP suggested…
I’ve got 5 level 80’s and 2 at 75 and I am literally fed up of doing the same Khaz Algar story/quests !

I would definately love to see the whole of WoW as being just one big world across all expansions, up to and including the latest one. I find it very annoying that once I go into the latest expansion, (lvl 70+), playing anything before that in a meaningful way is per definition shut down. You can’t go back and finish up. (I can, but I’ll just be one-shotting everything, which isn’t my idea of fun.)

To me personally, the saddest thing is that anything older than the latest expansion is officially considered nothing but “levelling content”, and we see downscaling mob health, and other stupidities, because of it. The current chromie time system is already encompassing everything except the latest expansion, the expansion you choose only filters the first 10 minutes in the LFG queue, after which it’ll ask if you want to search dungeon from the others. Why is the filter even there in the first place?