Can blizzard please fix Warglaive transmog?

The only legendary u cant transmog right now is warglaives… A blue feedback on this matter would be nice. Shame for all that put the hard work to obtain them cannot transmog it now :frowning: Should be a quick hotfix

I believe they’ve just copied it from retail, where as i recall only demonhunters can mog them, so if they turn on mog now, they will have to turn it off in legion to make it retail-like, so either way ppl will be upset


also looking for this change

Just uninstall Cata at this point. Berny removed all except WoW Classical - Hardcore.

any updates blizz?

Are you serious? Blizzard hardly answer the critical bugs mentioned in the Support forums, so what makes you think they would answer - or even read - here?

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any updates blizz??

There’s nothing to fix - they’ve never allowed the OG Warglaives to be mogged. You can’t even transmog with 'em in retail, unless you’re a Demon Hunter who has cleared Timewalking Black Temple (if you have the achievement for the original).

be a good change to make tho

I don’t disagree.

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bumping - please add this change

They dont give F to even responce if thats bug. Ive made a bunch of tickets thats T8.5 head for rogue somewhy specificly on horde side got wrong collor , its got color scheme from t8/10man, its still there.

ah yeah i seen that, weird bug

would be good to get some responses at least

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