Can Druids and DKs find common ground?

Im curious, about how a druid (loves and protectors of nature) and death knights, the edgest of death lords would get on in reality. Druids seem much more grounded in azeroth, whereas DKs, whilst being all about honour are surely agaisnt that. Curious how a partnership between a druid and a dk would work.


I am counting on someone to give you a lore-wise better explanation/answer than this, but anyway, hereā€™s my two coppers:

First, I want to say that death knights arenā€™t necessarily edgy, in my opinion. Harsh and brooding, yes, but I have come to associate the term ā€œedgyā€ with an angst-ridden teenager whose beautiful face is pierced with various metal objects (spikes more often than not, I think), and whose hair is dyed pitch black.

Not saying thereā€™s anything wrong with that, but thatā€™s not me (more to the point, thatā€™s not ā€˜Johnmoreā€™).

I think perhaps I digressed. Sorry.

Secondly, I do not think death knights are against being grounded in Azeroth.

Our very existence is an insult to nature, trueā€¦

Druidic powers are unavailable to us, and we can probably be a little smug and merciless with the powers we do haveā€¦

And the whole death, disease, decay, and corruption thing we do might be pretty much the opposite of what druids doā€¦

(I seem to have painted myself into a corner here, donā€™t Iā€¦)

But there are some ties stronger than just completely opposite attitudes and abilities, and originsā€¦

I can only speak for myself (and maybe somewhat for my druid brother, because I know him quite well), but I get along just fine with that furry treehugger.

Family is more important than anything else (although we canā€™t let Azeroth die, because then our families die as well), and even though Arthas robbed me of the ability to love like I used to, damn it, I love my family, and I would do (and I have done) anything for them.

Yes, he kind of despises what I am, but not who I am.

ā€¦Iā€™m actually glad he is a druid. Imagine if he was a damn priest! Or a paladinā€¦

Well, thatā€™s my story.

I am sure there are other stories, where two such unlikely partners are tied together by something elseā€¦ Perhaps a deep and strong friendship, romance (albeit I findbthat a little far-fetched given death knightsā€™ emotional disabilities), or maybe just a common causeā€¦ (Revenge on someone or something, who knowsā€¦?)

Oh. Thatā€™s right, I drank coffee today. I

/apologize for #WallOfText

That is great! I think maybe edgy was the wrng word- no angst ridden teenagers please. I think its more,they seem to like pain and inflicting it.
Anyway thats a good answer, ty

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Just cooperate to act against Sylvanas. Itā€™s how the most common grounds are made nowadays :wink:


Death Knights are emo, itā€™s Demon Hunters who are the edgy.

The Death magic is antithetical to the druidā€™s Life magic as we see in Drustvar. How-ever, Iā€™m sure theyā€™d make the best of friends starting up a recycling station, preserving the living world by tossing leftovers in a bin with the death knightā€™s spells of decay accelerating the breakdown of plant and animal matter.


Thatā€™s genius! I like your creative interpretation.

Love it- as @Ralrush says, very creative

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Teenagers have ruined the terms ā€˜emoā€™ and ā€˜edgyā€™ for me,
so I personally disagree with both those statements
(I have demon hunter alts).

The KT Druids would more than likely find common ground. KT Druids care a lot more about the cycle of life because of their Drust teachings.

Death is as important as life to them, everything must die in the end, this allows more life to flourish.

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thats an interesting point. Nightelf druids and Kultiran Druids kind of have differences as well as druids and dks.

No, you.

Okay, I donā€™t mean to derail the thread, so let me elaborate more universally than just arguing about demon huntersā€™ edginess.
Anyone of two professions (classes) can make allies. It depends more on the personality, not the type of magic youā€™re using.
Death knights have been known to retain most of their personalities, and have plenty of emotions (see Thassarian caring for his sister and Darion trying to help Bolvar get free of the Helm). Sure, they donā€™t have a lot of things to be happy about, just like demon hunters, but Iā€™d say theyā€™re still mostly themselves.

So, a death knight can be a former night elf/troll/tauren druid and not detest nature magic at all.
Or a demon hunter could have been a priest before joining the illidari and has really nothing against people worshipping the Light, even though he no longer dedicates his life to it.

Thereā€™s far more to a characterā€™s personality than their class. I can see plenty of possibilities for a druid and a death knight to become close collegues or even friends.


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