Can I do some DPS as Disc?

Yes, I know Disc is a healer spec. I don’t expect to be competing with DPS classes in dungeons, raids and PvP.

What I want to know is can I comfortably play disc and dps world bosses, rares, elites, even other players if I get jumped in the world or in a BG? Or is it a long, laborious boring affair? I love the Disc spec theme but I also like to pump some DPS when needed so any feedback is welcome. :smiley:

You can play whatever spec you want, but DPS will always be pumping harder. Disc with 4-piece and proper talent set has decent single target damage, but lacks aoe.

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You do good DPS, if that’s what you’re asking. Will it be enough to compete with any other DPS specs? Not quite.

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