As people stated above it’s more the concept than the color match.
In example looking at your character you can go either:
Pirate style.
Servant of Queen Azshara.
But each setting would probably require the pieces to match together.
In example once I got this very interesting butcher cleaver, designated as axe in the BE starting zone. Where the undead roam around.
If I had the pieces I could had assembled a zombie horror movie, transmog style around that piece.
Forsaken rogue armed with that weapon, coming out of no where to gank players on war mode, just like in the horror movies.
Mood is important and especially when I decide to change my mog at my first attempt I usually come out as a clown…
You need to click to see how those items look with each other one by one, if you only look at item logos you won’t find what you want, trying more variations equals more potential ideas.
For me is mostly about the theme instead of the colour scheme.
This character should ensemble some kind of Fel Warrior of the Burning Legion…kinda…while the plated kilt is a little too shiny, i do with what Blizzard gave to me.
I’m happy about this trasmog, but i still miss the Hellrender from Zakkun mythic, so it’s not complete as i would
There are several ways to approach how to put a transmog together. These are how I have done things:
Deciding on a theme (try to find inspiration from something you like)
Building around one or two pieces I like very much
Playing around with the in-game dressing room or using sites like wowhead to randomly mash pieces together to find inspiration
Also, I want to echo this:
Like others said, it’s more about a theme… Or rather, the consistency of the mog. Of course colors are part of it, but limiting yourself by thinking that every piece should be the exact same color reduces creativity.
My mog is not perfect, but it has a theme and some sense of consistency. And I’m not even very good at transmogging!
Do whatever pleases the eye! Get crazy and creative!
If all you’re trying to do is match 1 colour then you’ll never make a better set than well… the normal actual set.
Create a theme.
Make a Pirate Rogue, or a Ninja Rogue.
Match accent colours, or match to the subtle colours
You can have a red set but if the red shoulders have a bronze trim them bronze gloves could work.
Or sometimes asymmetrical works really well.
A good place to start is with a set, then swap a piece, and then build around that new feel.
For example I took the chosen undead mail set for my Shaman, then I changed the shoulders to another pair I really liked. Then I found the chest piece that had a good Tribal feel to it, and then the head piece went really well with the chest piece.
And it all just came from changing the Shoulders of a default set.
I prefer BfA or legion sets or some skimpymogs combinations.
Completely a matter of one person tastes
Also I see a value of comic tmog but generally I am not playing to look like a BC questing adventurer, I don’t like the old mogs, have no nostalgia and when I see themed sets, which are basic af i laugh secretly at the fashion victims who hate/can’t complete full new sets.
I got so sick of having my mob ruined by corruption that I changed my mog to be purple, matching it with purple pets. Ruin that you horrible corruption…
Somebody said earlier Mogit, it’s a fantastic add-on and lets you play around with different pieces. Find a piece you like and build around it, you don’t have to use sets if you don’t want to, mogs are personal and as long as you like your look, it doesn’t matter what others think
It’s why I was so disappointed with the lack of class fantasy/tier sets this expansion. Even if I dislike a class’ set there are alternatives for to collect.
On the whole I have mostly been disappointed with the armor type sets we’ve had instead. I’ve never been this unenthusiastic to collect all the sets on my main.