Can i get trust lvl

Nope. You can just have a forum character like me and put it in the place of your old one. If you look into your profile’s preferences only the name-realm matters to the forum account, it’s Zuuma-stormscale for me, I could delete this character and be a Dark Iron dwarf tomorrow if I wished so :wink:

Really? xD

I had Alpha as well as Beta now and it doesn’t seem so. :stuck_out_tongue:

This was once Aundra - Nordrassil Alliance and I was almost lev 3 :wink: everything got wiped out once I switched

This was my level 60 main, I kept the stats.

What you should’ve done was making another Aundra-nordrassil and you could’ve kept your progress. Now it’s most likely decayed if it’s been a while.

You are not that kind of Orc.


What a shame, innit? :slight_smile:

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I don’t blame them though, I wish all of this was better explained to users and they could easily track if they’re meeting every requirement and while at it, make this work like e.g the Overwatch forum and use our battletags to prevent this character mumbo jumbo and alt abuse.

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I’ve deleted my chars that had TL3.
Created new ones and they had TL3 from the get go.
Even my Classic chars all have TL3

Beta > Alpha :clown_face:

Well, while we’re at it something called ‘trust level’ on a forum, where we don’t play but discuss, being in any way tied to a beta invite to a game is utter rubbish :smile: Only Blizzard can come up with something like that. Make it permanent while the forum earned TL3 can decay? Get outta here! :smile:

I like you but imo you having permanent TL3 with all of your clowns vs someone like idk Ozgool is just… It’s hard to comprehend sometimes.

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Yes, I deserve TL3, this is just facts. :clown_face:

But more should have TL3. Lower the reqs or take away the reqs all together.

Outdated forum system


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beefy deserves it he is very friendly to me even tho most ppl are not

also many replies to tread!!! i not expect lol



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Was gonna say same thing. Would say give everyone TL3, but they lose it if they get a forum vacation of 3 days or longer. Or they should get it quicker by spamming animal and food gifs - oh and HH mount pics to annoy a certain DK :wink::laughing:

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Any system that creates artificial division on a social platform is just bad. Even worse if it’s not well explained, there’s no blue post to be seen either, just mods popping in here and there when people get confused about it (on US forums) and not providing clear answers.

While I, for example, don’t understand the jealousy I see alpha/beta invites always draw out of people, this forum system is just mind-boggling and masking the lack of mods atm, because less people with TL3=less opportunity of something upsetting getting spammed and hanging on the forum before it gets any attention.

It’s not even about TL3 as you can still link anything you need to without it, but it’s the principle of it that is off.

Anyway, this always gets me going.

This is an interesting article related to gaming forums and their value btw

I have not really thought about it, but I think you nailed it in that the system is basically a means for Blizzard to not have to moderate the forums, because only a few people are able to post images etc. Would imagine the requirement of your posts not being flagged is probably what prevents a lot of people from achieving TL3, since nowadays everything is offensive to “someone”.

I remember getting Beta for Legion. I felt obliged, since Blizzard gave me the Beta invite, to post feedback on Legion content back then, which actually felt more of a chore than anything. Having to write structured and relevant feedback is a lot harder than just commenting random stuff on the forums. But I did not want to be one of those people who sign up for the Beta to “just try it out for themselves”, which is not really the purpose of Beta testing. Would not want to do it again, and do not really have time.

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Quiet you degenrate little gnome. Robotic gnome. Whatever… shakes fist at Frizzle in gnomephobic rage

And you can sit down and be quiet as well you rancid greenskin. back to work, you used up your toilet break to type on here.


don’t know you get to this but I have an inkling that Beta, over and above random selection, involves players that use more than general discussion. I.o.w they go to the class section and ask questions or offer advice, participate in 3rd party forums such as wow heads and offer advice or create a post/mini guide of how to do or obtain something in game. It kinda shows their active involvement in the game.

But then I could be completely wrong.

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Living that TL3 lifestyle