Can i get trust lvl

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There still needs to be some moderation on any forum to prevent all the ‘reasonable’ users leaving and descent into a hate platform, toxic argument pit or simply dead. (when there is no one left to argue with).

As someone who used to moderate a local forum, I don’t blame them not wanting to do what is often a time demanding, thankless task. :person_fencing: :man_climbing:

However, moderation presence does allow swift action to shut down stuff before it escalates. I don’t know if forums can have ‘opening hours’ for posting, so poor mods aren’t expected to be up all night monitoring them. :mantelpiece_clock: :sleeping:

I think the progression system is to discourage some fly-by trolling, as is the sub requirement (Although accounts rather than alts might be a better way as long as Blizzard is active on any harassment).

I have no idea about Beta invites, not got one asfaik. Have had them in the past when not using the forum. :woman_shrugging:

this forum is ded, prolly half europe is banned for being reasonable

Yes, and considering that the forums are not particularly lively, I imagine they would not need too many employees to moderate them.

It’s random. ^^
Alpha/friends/family have some handpicked ones such as streamers and friends and family obviously.
They’re not going to check forum activity for thousands of applications.
It was less random back when they did hardware check as well. Outlier rigs had some favour.

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