Can i merge my eu and us account?

so ive been playing wow since 2012 on us and now im im living in the eu so i bought an eu version of wow on the same account, can i merge both wow and still keep my stuff from the us wow?


Unfortunately you can’t, you pretty much have to start from scratch.

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aww damnn… even if both wow are on one account?

Unfortunately, yes.

Yeah, people have asked the question before. The licences are treated completely separately for each region.

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No, sorry, they don’t let you do that. You should still be able to play with your US account, though.

I tok advantage of the free trial account on the US servers just so i could post in their forums, quite good fun over there

Honestly, it’d be a godsend if they’d implement the region transfer option. Alas, we can but hope. :frowning:

Strange they won’t let you, especially if you have proof of your migration.

I believe it’s a technical issue, since the regions are basically separate games instead of one, with different rules and regulations. Still, I wish it would be possible to transfer accounts across regions one day. It should be doable in this time and age. I can understand the difficulty to integrate transfer to the Asian servers, but the transfer between EU and US would be nice.

it will probably happen now with microsoft. in 2024?ish

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Blizzard claim their mounts, transmogs and pets, etc are Blizzard ( account wide but they aren’t so they are actually lying as they don’t cross regions.

But they are still under one Blizzard ( account so they can’t be that separate.

True. I’m still holding out hope that they might offer us the transfer option one day. As the technology advances, so too do the opportunities, yes? :smiley:

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