Can i still get flamereaper artifact appearnace?

Yea i started 2 months ago, what does achievement points has to do with 1 single mog ?
No1 said “free access”.
Real life priorities and you are staying afk just for us to see your flamereaper ? We are not going to get them anyway? Does that make you feel good or giving you any prestige? How old are you dude, 15 ? :smile: :clown_face:

Everyone can clearly see that you are toxic dude.

I’ve mentioned the achievements points because you’ve tried to bring as valid arguement the thing that i was posting from a non 70 character with a low ilvl in the first place.

Idk if i have to explain it better but to me it doesnt matter if you post with a level 10 char or with a 70s with 30k achievements.
Understand now?

As for the Flamereaper…Yes,you are not going to ge it,feels bad i know,i’ve missed tons of stuff during the years which were seasonal rewards or past challenge mode rewards.

Even the most dedicated players dont own everything.
As for the prestige or if i feel good about showing it off?

Ofc its the sense of prestige and rarity which makes me feel good.
I own something which is not obtainable anymore aka super rare.

If everyone had to runaway with X time limited reward,it would make it another green common random item nobody would care about.

Im 32 btw not 15.

Btw im toxic?
Because i dont share with you the same opinion about the current topic?
As you wish

Keep your prestige and feel good over some PIXELS, no point arguing or explaining anything to a 32y.o. KID because it’s a waste of time, since you are fixated on your precious flamereaper’s and going against everyone who suggest or ask for this weapon.

A piece of advice, if you are 32 then act your age and don’t get mad on every post about some pixel’s.

It was my bad that I’ve read every post of you crying about the mog, your post’s are not even worth reading, have a nice day/night :wink:

Dont even reply, you are not even worth my time typing to you dude.

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Why would i be mad?

It looks like that you are the one crying over some pixels you will never aquire.

I’ll not get baited by a 2023 player’s insults who is obviously mad for not having 1 out of 100 weapon mogs for his class because,tbh you are crying and begging for some…Pixels…

Farewell,my dude.

You are delusional my guy :rofl:

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I’d also like stuff to never be removed from the past, present and future. It simply feels bad and removes fun content from the game long term. In content droughts like now, it would be nice to have these things available. They just have to make sure that the time investment is big and current contest pace fast enough, so it never feels like it’s worth waiting until it becomes legacy content. I would even argue they should scale everything to max level, but then not remove anything too.

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Yeah he is super fried, doing the MT nowadays is waaaaay harder than legion, you could complete the tank challenge before the second tank buster came up haha.

I also started playing again now slightly over a month ago or so, and seeing how cool those glaives are makes me sad, knowing that you can’t have them simply cuz you weren’t there to go in and oneshot the boss, no prestige in that, getting Glad titles is prestige, being there at the right time to collect the free loot isn’t.

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Yea it sucks we can’t get that last row of apperences anymore.
Mage tower is still here same as always.

Every spec had amazing skins come from this same challenge, Sure its unfortunately for new players but if you had been a WoW player in the past and didnt play legion you missed out big time. Had its issues as others will be quick to point out but no other expansion has hit class fantasy as well.

The prestige gatekeeping is real lol, I’ll be the first to laugh at those kinds of people who vehemently want to deny others transmog appearances for their own selfish nature when they become readily available for all, it’s only a matter of time.


I hate to say it but there’s got to be something for the players to achieve, rather than hand all in for the ones who just joined or fell behind. That’s pretty much it.

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I dont think people are necessarily asking for things to be straight up given to them, the fact that trying to do Mage Tower these days is actually harder than it was back in legion speaks volumes, its the people who straight up gatekeep the opportunity for people to earn these rewards are the ones who are pushing newer players away from the game, my philosophy has always been things shouldnt be removed and more player urgency should be addressed which thankfully Blizz are moving more in that direction by bringing things back slowly.

The only real losers here are going to be the gatekeepers thinking earning pixels is prestige.

Before you call me out I did Legion mage tower artifact appearances during legion and I did them fairly easily and would be happy for new players to be able to earn them also.

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Well the Mage Tower day 1 in Legion was very hard even until half to the raid tier as most of the mechanics needed to be fished by weakauras or having DBM timers for them that the players were able to react. These fights were full of bugs. It’s not really easier but the tools created for each challenge makes it look like a piece of cake.

Doesnt matter, my point still stands.

Well i’m not arguing with you but i’m stating facts. Most of the players who earned it, and i know you feel bad that you can’t get the transmog but that’s the salt and sugar. And here i mean OP^^

My god you lack reading comprehension;

I already have the appearances I wanted and I get it, you’re a gatekeeper and it will hurt your delicate little feelings if new guy Tim is able to get those shiny oh so precious pixels, Luckily for new guy Tim Blizz are making things more available and actually bringing things back to the game so get ready to cry all those tears buddy boy.

Here’s my proof that I earned the appearances myself and I am not the one trying to block newer players from getting it selfishly;

I’m done with you as you’re not worth explaining anything more to.

Pfttt, let’s go down this river then… Luckily some of the items aren’t handed in as players spent time to get them. Hidden artifacts for example, those took days, weeks to farm and players participated and talked through in forums and voice chats to find them. I’m not gatekeeping but i understand realization between the Effort > passive input.

You can still get all Hidden artifact appearances, just not the Mage tower ones so your argument is already null and void.

And if it’s taking you effort to play a computer game, thats on you my friend and maybe you should re evaluate whether you actually play this game for enjoyment or not, Now Good Bye I will not respond unless I get to destroy your argument again.

Ofc you can if you farm them but it’s not the same experience as people are not socially speaking about them and trying to find where they are. Should the games have content that challenge you?

Switching to an alt to try and prove your failing argument, nice try bud.

Also it’s not about the experience people just want to collect things they like the look of.