Can i still get flamereaper artifact appearnace?

In my class hall it says that the flamereaper appearance is ,,no longer available,,. Does that mean i cant get it anymore? Also another question- if it is available what exactly do i need to do - do the quest in the mage tower and thats it? And if i unlock it with the havoc spec, will i get the appearance for vengeance too?
It is no longer available/obtainable.
well that sucks :(
From what i understood in a bluepost, the basecolor is no longer obtainable.. the other 3 are.
05/09/2018 08:47Posted by Zelion
From what i understood in a bluepost, the basecolor is no longer obtainable.. the other 3 are.

Only if you have the base colour already. The other 3 simply need the first one plus an extra objective.
But in future will be it obtainable?
no because that defeats the point of it being a cool thing from that expansion.
That sucks for new players. It's still one of the best glaive transmogs. But I understand the statement of blizz :(
Clearing all this up:
The flamereaper artifact weapon appearance was made available to demon hunters who completed the havoc mage tower artifact challenge on the broken shore. The mage tower challenges were single player scenario challenges that existed for every class and spec. Completing the challenge would award you with the artifact appearance for that spec.

The purpose of the artifact challenges was to provide challenging and exclusive content for players during the legion expansion. The artifact challenges have been removed form the game with the start of BFA and the rewarded skins are no longer obtainable and will never be obtainable in the future.

However, if you did unlock the base appearance by completing the mage tower challenge, you can still unlock the secondary colours for that weapon specifically. As long as you have the base appearance for that spec.

tl;dr: The appearance is unfortunately no longer available and will never be available in the future.

It doesn’t feel quite right. Maybe I didn’t want to play DH at legion times, and now I want to play with it? Now, I want that skin and it is unobtainable. It simply is wrong…


Its not wrong honestly. Rewards like this are actually good for the Game because they mean prestige, unobtainability and effort, while also rewarding players that stick with the Game for longer.

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Don’t say ‘‘never’’. I’m willing to bet money when Timewalking: Legion becomes a thing, you’ll be able to get them.

Rewards like this are actually good for the Game because they mean prestige, unobtainability and effort

There’s nothing good about something that can’t be obtained anymore. Especially when they keep making ugly glaive mogs.

The flamereaper are like the only really good glaive mogs. Other Legion glaive artifacts have ugly, huge horns that make no sense, and the BFA/SL ones are all ugly as sin ( except, ironically, the Venthyr ones )


Timewalking has nothing to do with time limited-challenge rewards.

With that logic,during TBC timewalking,people should be able to get Benediction/Anathema,during WotLK people should be able to get the Immortal/the Undying,during MoP- *CM sets,during WoD – *Weapons, etc.

So,its hopeless and naive to believe that MT will be back during Legion timewalking.

Yea its actually good to have items and titles removed from game each expansion for multiple reasons.

For example,If everyone was able to run with MT appearances,they werent going to be unique and so desirable,they would turn instantly into another plain green common item you see in 80% of transmogs.

Im up for more,new,creative and unique looks ofc!
But past challenge rewards?Noway…
And thank God Blizzard already said they aint gonna bring back any of them.

(This coming from a person who only managed to get few of them and missed a lot on his maining classes/specs)

I totally agree that truly exclusive items are good for the game to make things feel like they have value and prestige.

The one issue for Demon Hunters is that there are so few good options for Warglaive apperances to choose from that new Demon Hunters get shafted much harder than other classes who has a ton of really good looking options that are reasonably attainable - but they still also have “exclusive” items.

Ye warglaives besides legion and some raid ones are not good looking

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Only druids got MT skins, since they cried really loud.

why dh can’t have this artifact but druid can still have bear form? that’s sucks this is totally discrimination… well done blizzard

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Some people like me started playing in DF and we can’t get this mog, keep your achievement for that MT and whatever, we just want the mog.

All your posts are aggressive towards every single DH who ask about the mog, what’s your deal anyway dude? At least we are playing the class and we didn’t ditch it at 60 lvl with 200 item level gear, as far as i can see you havent even played DF.

What my level & ilvl has to do with the thread we’re talking about?
Would you be happy if i were posting with a level 70 character?

You trying to ‘get me down’ with this argument? Lol
If you want to compare things lets compare your 3k achievements with my 28k then.
Did you start WoW at 2023 dude? :clown_face:

Do you expect to have free access to all limited time rewards for equality reasons?
Sucks to be you and not having anything cool in terms of mog tbh

Sorry that i took a break during DF because i had real life priorities to focus instead.

But dont worry,i have active subscription,mainly logging in my DH and camp afk outside SW AH so 2023 players like you can check my Flamereaper for free since they are not gonna get it anway.