Can No Longer Make L5 Tailoring Items

This morning I was able to easily make a L5 Undulating Sporecloak amongst other items, head pieces, shoulders, boots all L5 and with the Sparks and embellishments with room to spare. But this evening I am nowhere near the same, all the Vibrant Set sit at Skill 276 and the Sporecloak is 276. I cannot remember the exact number, but they were another 100 points above that.

Garment Crafting is completely maxed out. Tailoring Mastery, I maxed out Tailoring Mastery for more points. And in textiles: Textiles, Spinning and Weaving all maxed out. Anyone had this? No idea what is happened all I did today is add some points to Chronocloth tailoring.

EDIT: Mystery solved, for some reason now you must have the materials available to show you the max skill you can craft. Never was like this before.

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