Can no longer /spit on players

/spit was removed to remove toxicity from the game.

So now when somebody tries to mine from my mining node, I just send them an angry abusive message through /w, instead of /spit.

Much less toxic, right? Right?

Alternatively, “/e spits in your ugly face!” works too.

Good, now they should actually start looking at all reports and not just let the automated system handle most of it.

Ganking someone and using /hug is better anyways :slight_smile:

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Which is why it becomes an achievement in WoTLK.

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what i found really funny about this change is that you can’t spit on players because oh no someone might get offended, but the refugee children in Shattrath? go ahead, they still bathe in your saliva, lmao.

i have a screenshot of a friend of mine doing it, but alas i can’t post discord screenies here, and i’m not gonna go out of my way to imgur it.

/spit existed for 16years in wow, Millions of people used it on each other BUT the moment some used it on Deluxe Edition Mount? /spit got removed.

Blizzard doesn’t care about players toxicity against each-other, blizzard only care if the toxicity used on Store Item!

It is ridiculous that they removed spit only to protect their whales. If more things like this happen I doubt that I’ll stick around for Wrath. Not playing any other ActiBlizz games besides TBCC as boycott for their incompetence. Just too many failings over the last years and utter arrogance to believe that the sh*t they are putting out is somehow to be seen as gold.

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if you buy this mount you deserve all the spits in the world

tbh cant really say I care to much. But its also on the level of “who care, why change it”.
Prob cause of ppl paying for stuff and then get flak in game. Making ppl less likely to buy it. Feels so Activision Blizzard to do now. All about them profits, not about making a good game

Should’ve at least allowed to /spit on enemy faction. You can kill them all day long, but can’t spit on them because it might hurt feelings. Dumbest change so far.

youre like a month late

Now I just fart on people instead. And belch on them.

And cannibalize them, of course!

Hugging a corpse? Thats necro and gross :nauseated_face:

But still relevant

You just spend all spits, now is time for drink you dehydrated weirdos.

You just do this in a macro.

Post your best macros to replace /spit!

wait, what happened to the macro?

Enemy faction wouldn’t see that /e macro

VS Same faction: this what you do

/e spits on you.
You can even add some extra spice to it with:
/e spits on you AND your grandma.