Can not start the quest "Preserving Rarities" which is required for the "Whodunnit?" achievement

The NPC “Preservationist Kathos” does not offer me the quest mentioned in the title. I have checked my quest log and I have checked with other toons, there is no quest. I have checked my bags, bank and void storage for any quest items that have “secrets of azeorth” in it’s text - nothing.
Using this macro from Wowhead - /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77203)) says I have not completed this quest.
Is there a possibility that I completed this quest before without remembering and the Wowhead macro is wrong? If that’s the case then why I don’t have the achievement “The Inquisitive” which is rewarded when you finish the first quest chain?
Is my account bugged?