Can p4 be a banger?

I dont think so. Sod ist dead forever

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Why don’t you guys just stick with your undying Cataclysm version and stop spamming the forums ?


Its a shame that the players approach to expansions now is a approach to phases. To live on a hope that even tho the current one was bad, perhaps, just perhaps, the next one could be good. This even tho there’s no signs of it and its the same people that failed before creating the new.

Even scarier that Blizzard turned it in to a business model. Like going to a once fancy restaurant where the food now is just okey as baseline but garbage every other meal - yet returning every time.

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There be a restaurant near Berny that does a similar trick.

First meal was B.I.S.

Then, the restaurant mons know Berny is not new customer anymore and meals got downgraded a lot.


I don’t think it can be. There’s far too many missed opportunities and wasted design. Season of discovery to me was about going out into the world and discovering things with the community. Phase 2 and 3 added practically nothing to the open world and instead corralled everyone into “endgame” or tedious grinds in bubble worlds (incursions). You can’t get this back.

Even if you add in a bunch of lvl 30 exploration and discovery in phase 4 what’s the point? My main is already past that level and I have no incentive to level an alt. The discovery aspect that was the whole selling point is completely squandered and cannot be added back.

That only leaves us with actual endgame. Can you fix it? Probably not. If you couldn’t get off your butt to balance things properly before why should I trust you to balance it now? Raiding is completely schizophrenic in its design according to its reception where viewpoints are all over the place as to what is and isn’t good design. Good luck trying to untangle that mess of contradicting points and cater to everyone. So what’s left? PvP? Even if you do manage to balance it somewhat how many want to do the same PvP they’ve done a million times before for the umpteenthillioned time? No new BG’s, no new world even PvP’s worth a damn doing besides Blood Moon, no arena. Bleh.

So what’s left? Heroic dungeons maybe? Could they be a banger? I don’t think so. How many dungeons do we have that they need to update to a “heroic level” exactly? If they can’t get trash, bosses and itemization right for 1 single raid each phase then how good are like a dozen+ dungeons going to be?

I have an idea for what could make SoD really fun but it would never happen because Blizz is clearly too focused on just turning it into retail’s grindset of chasing a carrot on a stick in raids. My elevator pitch is basically; Stop focusing on creating a “balanced retail grindset” and start just wildly experimenting. This is a seasonal server not to be taken too seriously right? Then stop taking it seriously. Start experimenting. Should CounterStrike have low gravity? Nope. But on a modded server it can have and it can be a fun experience.

So experiment. Take the safety off and go wild with it and only worry about balance when something is hyperoverpowered and then nerf it to only be overpowered. Is it gonna be balanced? Nope. Not meant to be. Is it gonna have a “classic experience”? Nope. Not meant to be. See where the boundries lie. Throw EVERYTHING at the wall and see what truly sticks. And stop treating it like it is a actual expansion pack.

“But X will be overpowered”, and so will you.

But that’s not gonna happen. Cause that would mean fun things. Imagine a cloak that gives +20hp leech with every hit. Now imagine a rogue with slice and dice and fast weapons using it. It’d be crazy. Imagine a shoulder item that gives you angelic wings and allow you to triple jump in the air with slowed fall speed. Imagine a 2 hand mace that can electrocute 1-4 additional enemies with arc lightning for 20% of its damage.

None of this is going to be balanced and it is certainly not going to be polished. But that’s not the point. The point is just crazy fun Then after SoD you take the ideas that worked and implement them into the next season and you leave the ones that don’t. But you’re never going to figure out what works and what doesn’t if you don’t experiment. It isn’t just meant to be discovery for us the players, it is also supposed to be discovery for YOU the developers.

But like I said, this isn’t happening. Players are too wired into a certain mindset of what SoD is and this would cause such chaos to their expectations that it would cause backlash.

So what’s the point really? You screwed up the journey of SoD so that leaves us with the destination. Which is? Raidlogging most likely. Joy. No experimentation. No discovery. Nothing but a grindset that sucks the life out of you for a character who’s future is uncertain because we STILL don’t know what happens at the end of SoD with our characters and their stuff. What a waste.


To the point bro

aw another pve guy who got stomped in bgs crying


Oh another useless comment in these forums :slight_smile:

I believe so yes.


I believe too, im hyped for p4


Will give it a try for sure


Even Phase 3 is better than Cataclysm “Classic,” and Phase 4 will be even more amazing.


That depends. Will they buff shamans or not? Because if they do, it’ll be the most bangerest phase of all time.


Bangerest is the perfect description of this. I rate 10/10.

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weeeheeeell… for me (just for poor lil me), phase 1 was a 10/10, Phase 2 was a solid 8/10 (hated that raid, cause i always hated that dungeon), phase 3 was moooore like a 6/10 but also cause i tired myself out a bit.
i think p4 is gonna be a good 8/10 if the incursion would be downgraded for a 3-5 level range and not the full 10 lvl go to uber-farm. let ppl level from 50 to max 53 (if they have no quests left and have truuuuuly had enough of the current dungeons). after that, back in to the big bad world :slight_smile: pvp, as a shaman from day one of wow history, it is always a a blast (get it, a blast! ha!). anyway, feeling positiv. on a break right now to gather some momentum :wink: ps. we are all just people, except paladins. they are bad people. by nature.


Warcraft wpvp is pure gold content. Cant imagine playin it without

Finished lvlung up the toons i want for p4, and generated 2k gold in the process. So now all that remains is to wait for p4 with other games

guild name checks out

I honestly think they will skip any more changes and p4 will be a glorified Era with additional runes. Not enough time to do more besides Cata.


Most likely P4 will be SoM with future expansion spells (in rune form).
That’s fine with me just get the balance somewhat right by changing scaling.
As it stands there is no reason to bring casters and it will become even worse at lvl 60.