Can people pls learn how to anti cap a base

just as the titel say i cant believe how many times a base gets capped with tons of people there even at 2.4+ mmr its realy boring losing like that … like for the ones who dont know when u hit someone with a spell it stopes him/her from capping !!!

I feel you I’m using blizzard on cd on flag then other base needs help no one goes and as soon as I leave they lose the base

If you’re a spellcaster facing a rogue, they can also ninja cap it right under your nose, unless you hit it physically with your weapon, or a physical knock back like what hunters or evoker wing/tail effects, can interrupt the process.

Any melee can just AoE the node or flag spot but people need to keep an eye on that too.

MMR doesn’t really apply as it used to do. I’ve seen plenty of 1500-1800 peak players playing at 2.5+ MMR just because the MMR is extremely inflated. Basically you just need some luck with good coinflips, get a good winstreak and voila, your MMR is gonna fly.

What I’m trying to say is: You’re almost always gonna have someone in your game even at high MMR that doesn’t fit in with the lobby. Thus, this player(s) are gonna most likely grief and in this case not anti cap.

I was disconnected, and -200. After all blitz is suffering :slight_smile: ppl don’t know how cap, anticap, CC’s %) Nightmare! But some kinda funy

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