Can someone explain this somehow? (War 2h weapon scaling)

Is it bug or not?

Slower weapons scale stronger from AP, thus making the slower weapon pull slightly ahead.

If you are just looking at the “damage” in character info, its just the white damage you do every weapon swing.

The collossal skull-clad should scale better with your abilities due to higher weapon damage and stats.

But i am far from a expert on dps warr, i play prot 99% of the time. so someone else might give you a better answer.

Any link to this claim? The epic weapon give both more AP and has more weapon damage.
When I equip the Collosal Skull-Clad Cleaver which has more weapon damage and more AP, it still shows that it deal less dmg. This is first time I noticed this. It doesnt make much sense to me, if the “worse” weapon gave alot more AP, I would understand that the overall dmg is higher, but that is definitely not the case here.

Weapon speed basically affects “Attack Power Per Second” is you will, e.g. your slower weapon speed = more of your AP is added on to your white swings per attack.

But you swing slower, so you hit less often, meaning your don’t get more DPS added.

it’s also worth noting that some abilities use a “Normalised” weapon speed. So for rogues, it doesn’t matter what weapon you use with sinister strike, it treats your weapon as if you had a 2.6 weapon speed weapon on. Some warrior abilities might be the same.

Which is worse, 1 strike in 3 seconds at 1,500 or 2 at 1.5 seconds each at 750?

Edit: The change comes when you use special attacks.

This could make sense…
Weapon speed basically affects “Attack Power Per Second”
Where can I find any info about this? I never saw anywhere that AP scales worse with fast weapon speed etc.
Slow weapons already scale better, because it just deal more weapon damage with many skills that scake with it.
Its still bs… one weapon is 3.4 the other is 3.6, thats about 5% difference,
The 3.4 weapon has approx 5% less speed, but also 5% more damage + insignificantly more ap.
Right now I also have two 1h epic swords, one is 1.6 speed and the other 2.7, both have the same dps, the 2.7 should be superior in every way. If what you say makes any sense.

Yes and no.

If you want to use “strikes” like “heroic strike” or “Mortal Strike”, unless they’re normalised, then a slow weapon would be better. Both fast and slow would deal the same DPS but if you’re strikes deal more damage with slow weapons you think “hey, i should use a slow weapon”, but a faster weapon will generate more rage by attacking more often, so you’re back to the drawing board. It was usually popular to have a slow weapon in the main hand to do big strikes, then a fast weapon in the off-hand to generate more rage. Dagger warriors were a thing in classic for a while.

Slowly but surely they have normalised many, many mechanics, so that there is only 1 right way of setting your character up - and the internal mechanics aren’t available through the UI. Need to join a warrior focussed discord to get the spreadsheet they tend to create and check it for yourself.

Auto attacks and Slam scale in a formula with weapon damage multiplied by attack speed, instant attacks scale with normalised weapon speed.

So the slower weapon will hit harder with autos/heroic strike/cleave but it will hit less often. The slower weapon will also hit harder with Slam. BT/Execute are not influenced by weapon damage at all. Whirlwind will hit harder with the weapon that has the highest damage, speed is irrelevant.

The epic weapon is best, very clearly.

Slower weapons have higher AP coefficient on your not normalized abilities and auto attack.
On a paladin only crusader strike is normalized, rest do more damage with a slower weapon, hence why the 2h sword from HOS is the BIS until 213 epic.

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