Can someone tell me what's up with the disfigured DH skins?

On both Alliance/Horde-side, there is a strange DH-skin colorization for them which looks like a disfigured dragon-skin option. Does anyone knows what’s up with that?

example: imgur com/a/2vbcjbT

legion spiders / Scales i’d believe, i have it on my own DH as well.
It’s for those wanting to look “more demon than hunter”

I found out what the skin-option should represent: Corruption. Nothing more, nothing else.

If I remember correctly, it was said that the more we use our demonic powers, the more demonic we will look. (Horns, and that monstrous skin.)

As answered, so they can look more demonic… like DK’s and their undead skins.

I use it myself. I think Vandel described them as demonic scales in the book, but they kinda look like hardened skin that started to crack.
It looks pretty neat in my opinion. Gives more of a demonic feel, as mentioned above, for people liking the “more demon than elf” vibe.

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