Can the community help me

Choose a class and race…
I would see myself as reliable, diligent, loyal and kind. :sweat_smile:

Would any one suggest a class off these traits? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything that isn’t a Death Knight, Demon Hunter or Warlock. Perhaps Rogue, too. Maybe.

Dreanei paladin.
Paladin because of reliable, diligent.
Dreanei because of loyal and kind.


Tauren druid!


Dwarfie hunter is a good way to go: it’s easy and enjoyable. It’s good for the first time. Warlock as 2nd choice.

Sounds like a puppy. Worgen. And you’re getting new models soon!

I made a worgen warrior at Cata launch. I didn’t like the animation so race changed to NElf but the one racial I missed was the speed boost, Darkflight, I think.

Say no more

Gnome warlock engineer.

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Reliable: Draenei, Tauren, Dwarf,
Diligent: Gnome, Goblin, Blood Elf, Dwarf
Loyal: Tauren, Draenei
Kind: Tauren, Draenei


Reliable: Paladin, Warrior
Diligent: Paladin, Warrior, Mage
Loyal: Paladin, Warrior, Priest
Kind: Paladin, Priest, Druid

This is just off the top of my head, as well as my opinion.

Tauren and Draenei are usually portrayed as the “Goodest of good guys” on each side…
Tauren are often the typical “Gentle Giant”, while the Draenei are the ones who have seen what corruption and greed can do, so they commit themselves to being “good”…

EDIT: Many of the other races, humans included, can be any of these things or none of them.
There are examples of kind orcs and loyal humans, but for every example there’s an example of something opposite.
Most of the Tauren and Draenei are pictured as “good guys”, so the vast majority of examples are “good”.


Yeah, Draenei Paladin or Tauren Druid.

Nice exposition, Saeryn! I’m not sure I quite agree on the classes; Druids are pretty reliable as well (except when they miss the alarm and oversleep a thousand years or so), hard working, and pretty loyal, though their loyalties may be complicated between people and nature.

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Based on this it would be either Tauren Paladin or Draenei Paladin as each combination gains the most on each faction.

Yeah, druids might fit the bill for several of these traits. Hamuul Runetotem is a good guy after all.

Though you got a point about split loyalties.

Dreanei Paladin

Night Orc Shamadin.

Draenei paladin it is.

I’m not seeing anyone stating the obvious:
Pandaren Monk.

Which is, draenei paladin without the mad zealotry that will inevitably lead to a FO THE EMPRAAAHHHH theme. I mean, they already are space goats, they just need a suit of power armor.


I was under the impression that the lightforged draenei are quite literally the space marine variant of wow universe.

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They are, they literally show it off first on Argus (but they’re on our side so we don’t really notice) , then in post apocalyptic Draenor.

I’m waiting for Turalyon to officially form up the Ultramarines.

BM Hunter’s pet

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Assassination rogue or affliction warlock ez

Mistweaver monk or holy paladin spring to mind most, since both classes backstories include a long training period and require extreme dedication and determination.

Pandaren and tauren, respectively. Pandaren are kind and hospitable to everyone - i.e. both factions - and tauren are surprisingly mellow when not under threat of attack. Alliance paladin… maybe draenei? Not sure on that, they might end up with an oppressive space empire dedicated to peace and security and utter lack of personal freedoms.

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