Can we all just get along

I have always and will always use ‘Tries to’ and ‘attempts to’ do things. I think it might just be that guild? If you just go as write something like ‘Would throw a huge rock crushing the other player’ that doesn’t allow space for someone else to have input and it doesn’t allow for the luck of the Roll you might be doing.

Ain’t nothing wrong with what you’re doing. On the PCU bit, I’ve been RPing on this server for like 3 yrs now and I’ve heard plenty of awful things about the PCU but never actually seen them do any of it. Perhaps its rumour and perhaps its individuals.


I saw this a couple of times when RPing on my blood elf, I think, but it was more a case of them god-emoting because they revealed midway through the fight they were a bronze dragon, and claimed that “attempting” to do anything was godemoting in and of itself. Fun times…

On the whole PCU topic though, I’ve said similarly in other threads that in the past (generally when I was a bit younger/cringier and before the PCU as a concept was officially a thing) I’ve had my share of disagreements with some of the members, some of which I still stand by and some of which I now consider myself to have been in the wrong about. I haven’t seen any real bullying campaigns, unless you want to point to the ERP thing, which is a bit complicated in and of itself. There definitely some hangers-on who just want to jump on a hate bandwagon, but I think with the whole PCU initiative of encouraging more widespread RP, the basic goal is genuinely one of making sure the server’s in a better state.

In terms of people being forced out, I can understand why some people may be intimidated at the sight of a large collection of guilds with very broad recruitment nets, and might feel that the PCU is muscling in on their territory, so to speak, but at the end of the day, people are joining, and staying in, PCU guilds for a reason.

It’s also perfectly acceptable to not get along with someone who’s part of a large group without then considering that whole group to be bad as well (I realise this isn’t what you’re saying, Pipsquirrel, but it just seems to be a recurring theme in PCU drama!). I’ve RPed with guilds I thought were fantastic while not being overly fond of one or two of their members for whatever reason - doesn’t mean their friends are necessarily bad. It’d be a bit different if there was blatant racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. going on, but that doesn’t seem to be the case (at least not anymore - I recall a couple of instances long ago but that person seems to have either been kicked or has grown up).

I should also note, I’m not in, and have never been in, the PCU - and not once have I ever felt they’ve gotten in my way or stopped me from doing something. (EDIT: This paragraph hasn’t aged well)

Oof, sorry for the wall of text there.


Sure, I can be gud frens with just about anyone. :DD

Just not with griefers, OOCers, ERPers, child RPers and child groomers. People that go ''PCU bad, ignores PCU" often fall in that category, according to my own experiences on this realm the past few years.

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Its never too late to join, my fellow old-timer…


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@Kragora Thank you. I want the negative PCU stuff to be just rumour and for it all to be a misunderstanding, or the odd bad apple, but I put the stuff up about my old server, and the guild who would would, because I think they are where prescriptive approaches to cooperative story telling start. And if there is any truth to these rumours, they are where it can lead if we’re not careful. That’s my point, not who is right or wrong, but just watch the road ahead kind of thing : )

@Diredeep thankyou for the reply, good to read, and I agree. The stuff about racism and homophobia, I’m not saying this to stir anything but I made an alt a while back to be all piratey in booty bay and the amount of blatant anti LGBTQ and mysogynist language I saw in /s made me feel bad for the hobby. Not that I lay that at PCU, but sadly those attitudes are very much alive on our server.

@Sainur, hi and thanks for the input. I have blocked so many griefers I’m not sure if there is room for more. I strenuously avoid being OOC - I actually enjoy random wilderness RP with strangers when I am farming ores, but realistically I think everyone has their OOC moments. As to ERP, I don’t ERP personally but I’m not sure what your problem is with them.

@Diredeep I’ve got my own suspicions about people who RP as kids, but as I said already I don’t really think in absolutes so assuming that they are all child groomers is a bit out there for me, but hey you do you : )
I avoid RPing with people who play as kids anyway so hopefully it won’t stop us from getting along : )


Main issue is that you can´t determine whether person on the other side is adult and this is a game that´s rated 12+ (and yes, I know, technically there are means to do it, but vast majority of ERP doesn´t happen between people who know each other in RL or have been online friends for years so they know enough about each other, unless one is a pathological liar)
And this is not the case just for places like Goldshire or Bazaar, but also more sinister situations where people act all nice and friendly, as if you were in casual conversation, but it leads to them attempting to ERP. Sometimes even guilds (although with the exception of few remaining bad apples, this doesn´t seem to be the case anymore) outright have GMs requiring female characters to have sex with them and if the player doesn´t want to do that, they better have good excuse for why their character can´t have sex with awesome leader of the organization.

While this alone would be enough of a reason for disallowing ERP, there´s also issue of it causing drama and people isolating themselves into small circles of buddies that do online sex together.
It also switches focus of roleplay from creating characters and stories set in this universe to trying to satisfy your sexual needs by typing smut emotes with one hand. You had an awesome event and want to RP the aftermath? Too bad, two people you interracted with used Garrison Hearthstone.
There´s also unnecessary drama, although I can´t say I know much about this…advantage of having only about 2 hours per day to RP, so even now when there are no ERPers in community I´m in, I can´t really attend much besides main events.
But I´m sure people who used to ERP or were part of guilds which got destroyed by ERP drama, could tell you more about harm it can create.


ngl I’d love if Blizzard added a “Don’t misuse the word “would” to describe intent in your sentences you degenerate monkeys” bit to the RP Realm policies


@Dorlas thank you so much. I have actually seen some of the drama it can generate so I get you completely. The stuff about the server being 12+ made me stop and do a think. You are of course right. I have had some grief over the years, since vanilla really, because my characters are predominately female and sigh men can be awful. It has got to the point where I was blocking people for /w me their undying OOC love and asking me to go to Copenhagen with them for a dirty weekend. Since those days I don’t tell anyone anything about my OOC details. So in hindsight it is obvious to me that anyone I RP with could be 12. That is sobering and I apologise for being late to the party. Again, thank you for the reply.

@Fouleye from this one comment alone I think I love you : D


I think it’s a DnD/pencil and paper games thing where you tend to announce your actions before you roll a dice to see if you succeed - but it feels real awkward to when used in a more freeform RP setting like WoW RP.

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As long as we parade tribal hate, no we can’t ever get along.

when people stop this us v them bullpop, thats when we can consider getting along.

until then, enjoy the pointless “he said she said, us v them, pcu bad etc.” forum posts, they are as moronic and repetitive as a broken record the owner refuse to fix.

If the matter at hand is indeed the incident Gallvin refers to, I can very much confirm that it’s more of a one-sided war caused by this individual wishing to have full IC and OOC ownership over a certain inn rather than our community having any form of grudge or malice against this individual.


I was exaggerating for the sake of a joke, though based on what I’ve seen and how creepy most child RPers act, I have my prejudices…

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@Jenit Gnomes represent <3 You may be right. I think people still kind of wait to see if they succeed - hence avoiding god emoting. But I can see how it might be that as a kind of mental hangover from ttrpg.

@Thuzar I’m not sure where you are coming from. I’m not trying to pedal tribalism - I hate tribalism. it is one reason why i avoid absolutes: Tribalism thrives on them : )
If my post has seemed like I am trying to bash PCU, that was not the intention of the post at all. I’ve avoided the forums for a very long time so if seeing posts about PCU is repetitive to the point of being pointless and moronic I apologise. My post was not aimed at vilifying PCU and all of the comments have been civil.

@Tehya thank you. It is certainly food for thought. Quick story: my lovely guild, the GRS, used a boat once a week for a very long time for their meetings. One night a week for about an hour. We got properly bullied out of using it by a very belligerent guild who on being asked if they wouldn’t mind waiting til we were done decided to actively grief our meeting til we left, and threatened to do so every week. We’ve never used that meeting place since. It wasn’t worth it. This is way before PCU, but I understand how things like this can get out of hand and leave everyone feeling aggrieved.

@Diredeep cool. No I am with you. The last time I remember RPing with someone whose character was a child it got super weird super fast and I ended up having to block them.


I’ve seen people do that, but they never ever demanded I do the same or accused me of godemoting when I didn’t.


By OOCers I mean people who are on this realm that literally -never- RP. They are solely on this realm to do ‘‘content’’ or ‘‘le elite hardcore raiding’’ pretending it still matters in WoW while also often treating RPers as circus animals to be watched and at times, grief them.

Nothing wrong with being OOC from time to time, just use the server what it is intented for. :slight_smile:


oh, those people can get in the sea


Only monsters use ‘would’

“Soandso would sit down” …okay what’s stopping you? You would sit down but what?! Is there a nail on the chair? Is the chair occupied already? Is the chair suddenly speaking in the tongue of the old gods? I NEED ANSWERS!


@Darianuth I don’t want to shame people who do emote that way, but that is exactly what happens in my head every time i see it : D

I can however

I think generally it is sort of weird to write a long post based on some friend-of-a-friend accusation that hasn’t yet been substantiated. What are you claiming we’ve done here? I think when you get into the territory of saying: a friend of a friend of a friend said x thing so it’s true you can muddy the waters very quickly because you can type literally anything

Trusting someone doesn’t really mean what they’re saying is inherently true. It’s not really much of an argument

Perhaps it is your friend that wasn’t playing nicely and has spun you an absolute yarn

If it is that dude then this thread is even more funny. A guy who claims to own an in-game area and then demands that people ask OOC permission to RP in " his " inn should not be humoured in any sense and given that their response to the situation was “either do as I say or I will ignore you !!!” maybe you should post this chiding thread in their DMs instead of addressing us

Yet you made a finger-wagging thread to ostensibly defend someone claiming in-game areas as their person property (both IC and OOC) and threatening blacklists if people don’t humour that

I think this is more of a lesson for you rather than us re. “oh, but I trust them” as a source of evidence for some alleged wrongdoing