I saw this a couple of times when RPing on my blood elf, I think, but it was more a case of them god-emoting because they revealed midway through the fight they were a bronze dragon, and claimed that “attempting” to do anything was godemoting in and of itself. Fun times…
On the whole PCU topic though, I’ve said similarly in other threads that in the past (generally when I was a bit younger/cringier and before the PCU as a concept was officially a thing) I’ve had my share of disagreements with some of the members, some of which I still stand by and some of which I now consider myself to have been in the wrong about. I haven’t seen any real bullying campaigns, unless you want to point to the ERP thing, which is a bit complicated in and of itself. There definitely some hangers-on who just want to jump on a hate bandwagon, but I think with the whole PCU initiative of encouraging more widespread RP, the basic goal is genuinely one of making sure the server’s in a better state.
In terms of people being forced out, I can understand why some people may be intimidated at the sight of a large collection of guilds with very broad recruitment nets, and might feel that the PCU is muscling in on their territory, so to speak, but at the end of the day, people are joining, and staying in, PCU guilds for a reason.
It’s also perfectly acceptable to not get along with someone who’s part of a large group without then considering that whole group to be bad as well (I realise this isn’t what you’re saying, Pipsquirrel, but it just seems to be a recurring theme in PCU drama!). I’ve RPed with guilds I thought were fantastic while not being overly fond of one or two of their members for whatever reason - doesn’t mean their friends are necessarily bad. It’d be a bit different if there was blatant racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. going on, but that doesn’t seem to be the case (at least not anymore - I recall a couple of instances long ago but that person seems to have either been kicked or has grown up).
I should also note, I’m not in, and have never been in, the PCU - and not once have I ever felt they’ve gotten in my way or stopped me from doing something. (EDIT: This paragraph hasn’t aged well)
Oof, sorry for the wall of text there.