Can we all just get along

Yeah, you good mate. Wanna get few drinks, if you do drink alcohol and have a giggle?


OK, first off thanks for taking the time to reply.

Iā€™m not claiming youā€™ve done anything, I have tried to be clear about that. I apologise if it comes across that way. I am concerned about what I have heard, and I have tried to explain why I am concerned. I assume that people have been accusing you of all manner of things at this stage and it is natural for you to be a bit defensive, but read through the replies. Everyone has been really cool and I am more or less on board with all of your aims.

Asking people to play nicely is a general suggestion. As a quick read of the replies will show, I have been offered another side to this and have said I am grateful for that. I actually wanted to ask that person myself for clarification but I havenā€™t seen them on in weeks.

I am again, genuinely sorry that you have seen anything as chiding in my post. I will not be DMing him or anyone else.

I never mentioned threatening blacklists. What is going on here ?

I am reading my OP through again looking for the hostility that I feel I am getting in return. I accuse no one of anything. I literally said ā€œI hope that these reports are misunderstandings or exaggerations. I am not in with the ā€œin crowdā€, and only have what I hear to go on.ā€. I am really sorry that I have made you feel the need to reply in what feels like quite a hostile manner.

Somewhere there is a man out there that fights by contemplating every move he could make and believes that trying to take action in a fight is the work of gods.


@Perroy, I am sorry you feel any of this had to be about lessons. It was not my intention at all to get your back up. If Iā€™ve been clumsy here mea culpa. I believe that RP is a wonderful thing and if you knew me outside of this thread I think you might see the OP differently. There is presumably a way to delete the thread. if it causes this much grief it has failed in its aim and I will make it go away if I can.

Making an accusation and saying ā€œIā€™m concerned that [x unsubstantiated thing] has happenedā€ arenā€™t super different IMO - if I posted ā€œIā€™m not accusing anyone of anything, but Iā€™m worried that Pipsquirrel may have been involved in loads of RP griefing! Not saying they are, but ā€¦!ā€ that would just be the same accusation with an extra bit of deniability, right? Iā€™m not trying to pull on your nose but you can probably see what I mean

I get at least one crazy anonymous whisper / pearl-clutching thread directed at some mysterious wrong Iā€™ve done per day so Iā€™m not super invested in the :slight_smile: donā€™t worry Iā€™m friendly replies. I get that you donā€™t have ill intentions or whatever but if youā€™re playing the shill for someone talking absolute bag, I think my reply is more than fair

Yeah because all PCU members are really cool agree ā€¦

A general suggestion that then transitioned into a specific claim about a specific community ā€¦ so many not as general as specifically advertised, right? Itā€™s awful that youā€™ve been harassed for these utterly banal reasons in the past - but that is neither here nor there + not something we do or support

Iā€™m speaking of what your honourable friend-of-a-friend threatened - a kind of weird threat when aimed at a group that numbers in the hundreds that didnā€™t have so much investment in pursuing roleplay with that kind of player anyway

Would you say that making a claim like ā€œI own this area in the largest RP hub on the server and you need my permission to RP here or I will blacklist youā€ is reasonable? That (unless Iā€™ve got the wrong end of the stick based on Gallvinā€™s post) is what youā€™re in defense of ATM (presumably by accident)

I am not actually being hostile at the moment. My response is pretty clean and explains my perspective. Me saying ā€œI donā€™t think it was a good idea to make this claim based on x y and zā€ isnā€™t actually some big internet beef or whatever

Making what is essentially an accusation and adding ā€œhope it isnā€™t true hehā€ doesnā€™t change the content of the post IMO

I donā€™t think you need to be in any in-crowd to see where Iā€™m coming from, itā€™s a fairly universal point

You donā€™t need to apologise, this is thread #3000 retreading the same topic. Itā€™s actually one of the finest PCU recruitment traditions

Yeah my manner isnā€™t hostile instead so donā€™t worry about it

My back is 100% down, donā€™t worry

I think you are misreading my tone a bit here

In English, doc ā€¦

Iā€™ve roleplayed with you in passing in the distant past (if youā€™re the Pipsquirrel PI dude) and donā€™t actually have any poor opinions of you. You donā€™t need to get super dramatic and think Iā€™ve entered some eternal battle with you because I disagree with some forum post of yours

How will we recruit if you tear our billboard down =(


Pipsquirrel and the Fallen Forehead

I think you keep implying that I am saying this or that is true. Iā€™m just saying right now, nothing in anything that Iā€™ve written is intended to suggest that I believe in any absolute truth. I have issues with the idea of objectivity, especially when it is one step removed through the medium of an online game. What two people perceive to be true about a shared experience can be at complete odds. So, no, at no point am I trying to say that I believe that anything is true, and neither have I made any accusations. I certainly donā€™t think that what my friends say is inherently true. As to the blacklist thing, I didnā€™t have that information, so how could I be defending it ? It obviously isnā€™t reasonable. It feels like you want to lead me into fire. This is what feels hostile. And you find the thread ā€œfunnyā€ which is dismissive, and characterising me as finger wagging and chiding. I am genuinely sorry if that is how it comes across. But it is a good way to attack me rather than my post, which feels hostile. That is how it comes across. That is my perception. It is not the truth. Gods if you only knew me youā€™d know I donā€™t even trust my own sense data or memories. Let alone someone elses.

This all feels like a dreadful miscommunication.

In hindsight I could have said ā€œA group of guildsā€ rather than PCU. That was thoughtless.
And mea culpa basically means My Bad.

I donā€™t keep implying that + I donā€™t think it specifically matters. I think the implication of the thread - ie. complaining about how people were awful to you on another realm and then transitioning to talking about the PCU - stands entirely on its own

You could have made your point very very cleanly without making it about my community

I believe youā€™re a victim of what people might describe as lying by omission


Yeah maybe a fire that illuminates the room really dramatically and reveals that youā€™ve been played

I canā€™t help the intention you read into what I type

It is, yep - but I think you can forgive me, when you go through roughly 1 million copies of the exact same thread itā€™s hard to keep the enthusiasm going

In the same way that you have characterised me as hostile, right? Pretty much how communication via text goes / not something we can really help here

Would have been super obvious that way anyway. Iā€™m not sure that there is a miscommunication either. Youā€™ve said yourself that the content of this post was based on what people told you - that was your impetus. Iā€™m replying because while I agree with your general point I think you have instantly muddied the waters with some partisan (and more or less inaccurate) point about a community you admit you donā€™t really understand based onhearsay that you yourself admit isnā€™t necessary true


I said I felt it was hostile. This is way past pointless. Thanks for the replies though.
I realise this isnā€™t how you could have spent a chunk of your day.

I donā€™t drink :frowning:

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Laddie ā€¦

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One of the big reasons why I RP dwarves is so that I can pretend I actually drink while irl I pretty much abstain from alcoholā€¦


On the subject of "would"ing emotes being godemoting, Iā€™m baffled and appalled.

On AD, this has its cultural origin some years back (2012?) when there was a reaction to an excess of godemoting. People would try to outdo one another with extreme emotes as displays of dominance for their unbeatable self inserts to always win a fight and the rest of us got sick of it.

Thus began a culture of emoting that you ā€œwouldā€ perform an action within its context, giving the other person wiggle room to respond so that you too wouldnā€™t be accused of godemoting. This later mutated into a mess of abusing the English language and using Would where it would never fit in a sentence (her eyes would be blue etc) and it has since become its own plague.

Enforcing Would-ing as if ā€œtries toā€ were a god emote seems to me the logical extreme of hardline evasion of controversial emoting beyond all reason. Such a hair trigger guild environment is best avoided and I struggle to see why anyone would tolerate it.


@Perroy for what it is worth I can see that I handled this situation really badly and I am sorry for bringing your community into it at all. I can see from the replies on here that they are good people. I am going to properly step away from the forums again before I do any more harm.

lol its absolutely OK / doesnā€™t actually matter

I donā€™t see you as the bad guy in this situation at all and I have said that repeatedly. Please donā€™t be really desolated over a couple of forum posts my friend. It isnā€™t a bit deal


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