Can we delete these BG queue threads?

It is just about faction imbalance, and there might be more casuals on the alliance side.

It is just a side effect from phase 2, which there where a gank fest on the alliance and made slot of people quit/transfer/reroll or Go To ReTAiL

Ganking lowbies will only make the queues longer since it will take them more time to get to 70 for BG queing, or can make them quit/reroll/transfer

Just switch factions if the queues are a problem for you. You’ve got friends on that faction? We’ll make another account and you can play BG on both at the same time, alot of players are already doing it

If BG gearing is so important before you step a foot into arena, then alliance seems to be the only way for these forum hordes.

EU has 12%+ more horde than alliance in total taken from ironforge. Something so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe we’ll get a better number after a month or 2 but that is what we know for now


No fix needed. We just gank more between queues to make up for it. Since that is the only solution you guys providing.

No, people wont start over a new character and abandon their mates. Not a fix. Deal with it.


The only sultion for blizzard is to encourage more Alliance players to participate in pvp content with greater rewards which would result in even more post on this forum from Hordes.

Well with that solution your queues will only get longer.

You make the bed you lie in


Can we delete these BG queue threads?

Yeah let’s stop free speech.

Ganking lowbies will only make the queues longer since it will take them more time to get to 70 for BG queing, or can make them quit/reroll/transfer

PVE Servers exist

EU has 12%+ more horde than alliance in total taken from ironforge. Something so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe we’ll get a better number after a month or 2 but that is what we know for now

Doesn’t result in 1.5hr queues. Alliance doesnt play PVP. Classic had 55% Alliance 45% Horde. Yet Alliance had instant queues all bgs. Whats your argument on that?

It is just a side effect from phase 2, which there where a gank fest on the alliance and made slot of people quit/transfer/reroll or Go To ReTAiL

Plain wrong. 1st of all they were completely different pvp systems. Second its a combination with the reason above. Alliance doesn’t play PVP as Horde does.

So before you want to lock threads, why not investigate a bit further and come with solid arguments?


You dont need hundreds of new threads for the same thing.


Tbh there is no need for 20 threads for 1 issue

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Another thread by an alliance member gloating how it is easy to avoid long ques by rerolling yawn Its good that people are making these threads, maybe then Blizz will do something!


Btw your A:H ratio is only correct for naxx, in mc and bwl there were more horde raiders and in AQ it was pretty much equal

80-90% of the threads right now are of the same complaint, you just get tired of seeing it.

Yup, did you read what you quoted there?

If most of the alliance are on PVE server, then they most likely are PVE oriented. So maybe 3-4 times more hordes than alliance queing. Might be correct if bgs takes 20-30min and horde que is 1h+. And I guess the meta slaves has searched for the most honor per BG and everyone queues to that one instead of juggling queues.

PvP system does not hinder a faction from killing the other faction. If you are griefed/ganked enough you won’t bother with it at all.

Just tired of the same post in 10 different ways. Maybe another arguement fresh people usually goes for the most populated faction?

Don’t delete them please. I have just returned from another unwarranted 30 day forum ban and these cry threads brighten my day.


Dont evven vother with his numbers, they are only true for naxx, it was other way around the whole classic

Well that is the solution if you want faster honor. Go out and grab it in open world. So yeah, the issue will just escalate. Hence why horde asking for a fix of some kind. You know, so we don’t have to kill more alliance open world then we really need to. But I guess you rather get more corpse camped for honor.

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No, there is an obvious problem and people have every right to complain.

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You, me, and the entire forums know that Horde doesn’t gank questers cause they needed to lol. Even 1 minute BG queues won’t stop that.

Apparently we do since Blizzard isn’t replying.

Nobody forces you to open them

Alliance does the exact same. Just less often because a lot of you don’t PvP. That behavior is more a by-product of playing on a PvP realm, where such behavior should actually be encouraged since the factions are at war. The “issue” is only enhanced by Horde being honor starved

I mean, we both know that “red is dead” is how the majority of PvP players reason, regardless of faction, but it’s a matter of fact that shorter queues for Horde players would mean less Horde players around, especially since in TBC you still cannot queue from anywhere in the world like in WotLK so all the ppl who currently have the time to queue and fly around would have to sit in Shattrath instead.

Let them create as many threads as they want… people done the same when the honor got reduced and blizzard listened atleast a little. Not sure if something will happen but it’s their right to speak up.

All that will accomplish are even longer Queue timers for horde. OP outlined the reasons why that is.
That is on top of BG queues becoming longer anyway, because alliance players will have completed their gearing-up long before horde, due to super-short WQs, removing the incentive for alliance players to queue up as time goes on.

And Blizzard will not compromise the integrity of TBCCs design by implementing things like MercMode, same Faction BGs or faction Change.

So, there are exactly 2 options:

  • Long queue times, which predictably will only get longer
  • Rerolling alliance



Nah bro you can spam this subject as much as you like,

you need colluters like kaivax and andycloud to pull through

the community managers can just mute as they go along; imagine how much patience you need reading these begging threats ALL day