Can we finally nerf the meta classes?

The same classes have been top tier for a long time.
That goes hand in hand with class design.
There’s a reason Rogue and DH is amazing in M+ while Surv and Demo sucks. It’s not just number tuning.

You’re struggling to get over the fact that I’m not talking about the current meta, but the general meta from patch to patch.

WW Monks
Balance Druids
Holy Paladins
Destro Warlocks

They’re just as bad, but yes Fire mage is probably the absolute worst culprit.


I think one of the things people ignore with mage is that as DPS class it has to have at least 1 performing spec in PVE, and it’s the case now. Both frost and arcane are mediocre and bellow. and I guarantee if arcane was best people would still whine, because people who don’t play meta ALWAYS whine because their class isn’t meta.

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So your solution is let’s nerf fire mage to the ground so mages stop existing in PVE?

Demo was S tier damage for a very short period during BFA. But they were nerfed extremely quickly.

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I’m just gonna say it like this - you either care more about performance, or you care more about the overall feel of the spec you are playing. Players who play cutting edge content don’t limit themselves to specs, they play what provides most dps and utility at the same time.

I personally decided to play frost mage, so off-meta spec and I’m challenging myself to push it this season in keys as far as I can. And I’m doing this by being aware that people will reject me for not playing fire. If I cared about performance so much that it affects my choices, I WOULD respec to fire.

If you play survival hunter, you are making a conscious choice to play off-meta and it has a consequence. You have in your own class a meta spec called MM hunter and if you really cared about performance, you wouldn’t limit yourself.

The same way, if survival hunter was meta spec tomorrow, players who aim for pushing the limits will respec to survival, while “play for fun” mm hunters will come and make threads like this one about survival needing to be nerfed.

That’s my 2 cents about this - you either play the meta or you don’t, but whining about it makes no sense to me.


what content do you consider those specs meta in… balance is pretty meta in M+ and raid. but the rest? seems like your talking about pvp to me.

see rogues in very high keys, but other than that not really. WW hardly ever see in m+, raid there fine and every raid needs 1. but hardly meta. Destro locks? i mean, there fine. but again, nothing special.

Sadly, thats againts the rules.

i am a blance druid my spec needs Buffs !

Honestly I agree, there should be a meta spec, but it’s shouldn’t always be the same one, there should at least be a class rotation for it.

A class should be at the top for a while then get dumped to the bottom to make room for another.


say that to ret paladins what has dominated pvp for like 3 months …

I changed class, didn’t turned well because I was not enjoying. Nah, warlock definitely deserves to suck.

Yes but the gaps don’t have to be S Tier >>>>>>>>> A > B > C >>>>>>>> D

but resto druid was BiS

but BM Was OP AF

but alot saw Havoc as a must pick quite alot.

at the end of the day, different speccs same classes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh that is rich coming from a druud :slight_smile:

There is always someone on top and if it is for a small margin its not a problem, but when balance/wws/Fmages/ huntards are on top with 10-20% more margin its a big problem.

Even you, a druid can understand this but understandable that you will defend your broken class :slight_smile:

Common…this is a wrong argument. What about specs that have only 1 dps spec that is dogno? reroll the entire class?..Tanking healing and damaging isnt the same thing.

Im not saying lock hunters mages and rogs have to be poop…im just saying that is very shortsighted argument imho.

Also for OP…i think expecting, after all these years of doing absolutely nothing, that blizzard will nerf something or buff something just for demo survival and arcane to be viable is very very naive…i dont wanna bash ppl that are stubborn and play these specs or just find them fun…but its very clear that blizz doesnt give a crap and youre doing it to yourself kinda…

we all know if there is a class on bottom it needs to be warriors and paladins :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is not cool prot war just went from s tier to trash tier.

You do realise the person you’re replying to is a Venthyr Frost Mage, right? An absolutely off-meta spec.

I don’t understand your point here as every single class has had some excellent representation if you look at them as a class, rather than spec-by-spec.

  1. Holy Paladin has been as strong as ever … a PvE meta spec for all 16 years of WoW and even seeing excessive use in “Resto druid” territory that was BFA M+. That’s Paladins covered.

  2. Protection Warrior were undisputable kings of dungeon tanking in BFA, and were most recently featured in the world-first kill of Sire Denathrius. Surely filling one of two spots in what many would consider the most important PvE moment of Shadowlands satisfies this for Warriors.

  3. While neither Blood or Frost have been good since Legion, Unholy are such an excellent spec right now thanks the AMZ, and were extremely overtuned early in Shadowlands S1. Of course, Frost can also fill this AMZ niche too, but people will prefer an Unholy DK just because it’s better. That’s DK covered.

  4. Resto Shaman’s are insanely strong right now. Even Shaman is covered - historically the most un-represented class.

  5. MM hunter is strong in all PvE content, and of course we’ve only just came out of the BM-and-Fire patch that was 8.3. So that’s Hunter covered.

  6. No need to talk specifics on Druid. They’ve had one overtuned spec literally every patch for several years … and it’s never Feral :rofl:

  7. Havoc was dominant all throughout Legion & BFA. Vengeance is dominant now. DH covered.

  8. Rogues are suffering their first weak spot in WoW’s existence. Outlaw still sees extensive M+ use though, so we can surely say Rogue is at least half covered.

  9. WW is overtuned right now. BrM were a staple throughout Legion & BFA.

  10. Affliction right now for Warlock. Destruction last patch. Warlocks are good, always have been, and pretty much always will be.

  11. Priests have Discipline, a true staple healer since Wrath. Shadow has intermittent patches where it’s either insane (or whole expansions in the case of Legion), or is otherwise terrible.

  12. Mage is Mage - the safest class in the game.

Again, I don’t understand your point. Every class has recently had the “meta light” shine on it if we look by class rather than by spec.

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