Can we fix pets for bm hunter?

So from start this expansion pet bug was only present in Dawnbreaker with weird pet fly from ship but now it seems problem is just everywhere. Few times I have seen my pet in dungeon after every attack he try to come back to me and no is not on defensive or passive mode is on assist. Something weird is happening with pets and idk is reason because they try to fix or what. So in order to stop that runing to me i need to dismis pet and call it again is very bad ngl. And yes Dawnbreaker is still buged when is fix? We had ship fight in ICC and was not issue back then so if that works this can be fixed aswell but when lol

You shouldn’t get your hopes up that they are going to fix pets at any point.
Pets have been bugged for as long as i can remember, and i have never seen them making a real effort to try to fix it.

There have been small adjustments here and there, but i do not believe they will do anything as long as it isn’t completely broken. Keybinding dismiss/summon has become a mandatory thing, and a “normal” part of my rotation when doing certain content.

Raid bosses like Rash’anan just sucks, where the optimal way to play it is to dismiss pet between every time he moves.
If they can’t fix those damn pets, atleast make the dismiss pet an insta cast outside of PVP, so we don’t loose to much on pets getting bugged, or make it a talent we can pick with a 1 minute CD for insta cast or something like that.

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