Can we fix soul reaper?

This is currently in a sad state for a talent spot.

Right now you click it and a few seconds later you get a bit of damage often no better than a death coil.

This used to be lethal now it’s just pony…

DK in PvP needs a high hitting move especially for an execute. Healers should feel panic when you get into that range, now it’s laughable…and feels horrible to press as it’s just useless damsge.

Either massively buff it or dump it and give us something new and interesting, that talent right now is a disgrace for an execute…

Make our execute great again!


I think Blizzard should buff Soul Reaper by 100% more damage, but it should now instead be a disease dot.

This would be way more unique if we have a execute disease instead of a 6 second delayed execute.


Absolutely not I don’t want a dot, got enough slow damage I want killing power in an execute

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I would normally again point out how stupid the DK damage profile is with needing constant melee uptime, but since healers are in a class of their own i wont, i will instead offer an example from when i did PvP on my arms warrior furing the first weeks of TWW, this was when mostly everyone had gotten their basic honor set and was starting to gather conquest and mini conquest pieces.

and let me tell you how fun it is to be 2 arms warriors wailing on a priest, he never went below half HP, and his mana stayed over 70% all the time.
granted the fight was in a lake in twin peaks battleground, so that might have affected something, and i had no idea of the skill of my warrior buddy also wailing on this priest, the only variable i can account for is my mediocre Arms warrior skills, i know how to burst oin CD’s, to keep Mortal strike up, even with sharpen blade.

that priest did not die for three minutes, and when two more people arrived the priest almost managed to run away too.

Healers my man…healers…

I think if they want to keep our execute being thematically different to warriors and paladins, they need to make it synergise with other aspects of our toolkit.

All 3 specs have at least one disease dot. Why not make it so Soul Reaper consumes the dot, inflicting the total disease damage its suppose to cause + X% instantly, then inflicting a new dot/debuff serving as a form of CD?

And then would be nice if… You know… We had some other talents that synergise with it, like every other class? For example following my example above, an extra talent could give a chance for that new dot to instantly explode too, resetting Soul Reaper’s couldown.

Is it a bit more long winded than a straight up execute? Yes, but it will be more powerful.

you mean like creating a powerful gigadot if soul reaper “reaps” a target below 35% health? you mean alike something of a degeneration?..or No NONONO i have the perfect name for it, Soul reaping Plague strike, genius! why hasnt our class ahd such things before …hmm…

Unsure if you’re being sarcastic or no?

I appreciate I might have written my idea badly so here’s it is again with more detail.

Under 35% Soul Reaper consumes Virulent Plague / Frost Fever / Blood Plague inflicting the remaining of its damage instantly + the 150% of its original total damage.

Secondly, it then inflicts its own DOT which instead of being a boring kind of underwhelming ticking bomb, it’s actually quite a powerful DOT itself. The duration of said DOT, is the CD of Soul Reaper.

Extra talent modifications:

  • Edgy Name 1: Soul Repear mega DOT has X% chance of exploding, causing the remainder of the DOT’s damage to happen instantly and resetting the CD of Soul Reaper.
  • Edgy Name 2: Whilst the mega-DOT is up, disease damage occurs X% faster (synergises with Plaguebringer talent)
  • Edgy Name 3: This one might be a little OP and is UH specific only, Soul Reaper also consumes Frost Fever and Blood Plague improving its increasing damage by additional X%. (if we fancy it could instead give some additional effects that are more interesting for pvp such as regenerating some health and slowing the target down to keep it thematic)

I was sarcastic my man. we lost degeneration and plague strikes strong utility in applying dots that also counteres Heal over time.

great ideas too.


Ah true man, it’s been so long I forgot they existed!

I remember back in Legion when Soul reaper killed something we got haste buff from it, maybe what Blizzard should do is just like i posted to turn it in to a execute dot by upping it’s damage allot and slap on that buff when the dot has dealt it’s damage for it’s duration, then we get a haste buff as an after effect so we can keep it rolling as long we keep applying Soul Reaper to the enemy target.

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i actually loved playing unholy during that time, soul reaper was a short duration power dot.

My BDK doesnt even spec it, got already loads to press !

i will never understand why they changed it back from the Legion version.
did they get actualy people complain that they wanted a scuffed execute like abiulity back that does not even do enough damage to be called an execute ability?


True i mean, what did they even discuss to get to this state?

soul reaper to be viable on pvp need to be non dispell and les time to do the hit like from 5 sec pve to 3 sec pvp (every one got insta execute, 5 sec for pvp and dispelable is not worth to take) and last is the pvp damage.

Another button to press :slight_smile: . I chose a passive talent instead, got too much to press already !

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