Can we get a nerf to melee uptime already

“I’ll just try some shuffle again”

Oh, it’s melee vs a single caster.

He can’t get out of melee.

GG, 3-3 for me and the other healer, 0-6 for the caster.

cant kite warris as a feral, something is wrong there

but to be fair, the kite abilities from a mage have to be nerfed too, if melee uptime getting nerfed.


Sure get rid of mobility but while you are at it get rid of some of the micro cc, revert the nerfs to normal cc like poly and blind and get rid of precog.


try playing a melee into casters and tell me how you feel


I think starting with warr and DH is already a big deal.
Warr seems like it counters everyone this xpac with all the tools mobility and tankiness and ofc MS

A fitting quote who hasn’t been quoted yet

*döp döp dööp dödödö dö döp döp döp

H.p baxxter

*i like too move it move MOVE IT

Real 2 real

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Idk lot of depends on the teammate dps.
With a hunter I always try to root, stun, binding shot, ROAR, Disarm, Diamond trap some of the player, and when I do mostly the ranged have a chance to escape from them.
Hard to stop DH’s and Arms, but you cannot run away from them alone.

When Im with warlock I feel less the same, most of the dps is go for big numbers and doesnt care about the teammate.
Mostly I got l2p or whispered, but its hard when I have to tank the whole game.

Try to ask for a help depending on the class you got for the second dps.
Pala-> Heal and BoP, Freedom on you
Hunters → Trap the other dps in trouble not the healer.
Warriors → Intervene, aoe stun, roots, health buff
Rog → STUNs maybe go for Shadowy Duel only For get out the dps from the game etc.

Ranged has a lot of slows and roots but melees has a lot of freedom. :frowning:

Its hard, but somehow other warlocks and rangeds are solve it. IDK :smiley: Im not an exped player, but above 1800 the most ppl can help you automatically.

i disagree heavily with precog, precog is literally trying to bring casting back, from a game where only instant casts were viable, might be the reason arcane is somewhat on par with fire for once every 10 years, fire just dominated with its low cd burst and instant on demand damage for ages
but the current micro cc/mobility situation feel akward af

some situations u dominate mobility as arcane, some other it still feels like u don’t have enough so odd

i guess thats what happens in 3v3 often, while u could easily kite any retri ww or maybe warr in an open world scenario, as soon as they are paired with a dh or dk, in a closed area u r kinda F–ed

i played the meta where io had 1 blink and i was tanky af, and the one where i have 5 and im squishy, i felt more powerful when i was tanky, becasue tbh the chances that enemies are never connecting are pretty low, sepcially with stuns spears or grips, but if im tanky or not i will feel it, and SL necrolord fleshcraft blazing soul tempest barrier diverted energy unnerfed firemage was unkillable, and i mean, UNKILLABLE. at least in a duel, i didn’t even need Triune to dominate literally everyone be glad r1 or even hunters, it didn’t matter because i simply could not die in a 1v1 due to self healing

then diverted and tempest were nerfed 50%, blazing soul was removed, fleshcraft is gone, and we are left with just barrier so i opted to play around shimmer because its “more fun” to have no global and zap left and right

it is more fun, but definetly feel weaker

if the skill ceiling wasn’t so low on classes like monk, ret & DH i wouldnt mind. BUT its nuts how basically you have to hope you get the nagrand arena or dalaran sewers to get those gremlins off you reliably.

i like the way it is

in my opinion, every caster should have to Cast a spell , there should be no instant spells
however, the spells should be 10x stronger

i think that would be a great trade off, if melee dont interrupt the casts they dead

but then maybe melee people would cry too much i dunno

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