Can we get our Sash back? (Night Elf Heritage Armor)

Body 1 version Night elves have a sash on their heritage armor but for some reason it was removed from the Body 2 version and there is no option to wear it.

I understand that some people like the without look more and that’s okay, but we should at least get the option to have it just like Forsaken have two different types for their chest transmog; revealing and less revealing.

What I’m talking about:


More options are always good. Especially if they were already done.

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? what gender that is?

what gender it is? use normal human language not californian alien language

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I’m just saying how it is in the game right now.

Body 1 used to be called “Male” and Body 2 used to be called “female” in the game.

The strap clips really badly into the shoulders. WoWhead showing it in their preview was likely just a mistake on their part.

Does it really matter if it’s just an option? I wasn’t going to use it with the shoulders anyway.

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