Why would I not be serious? Do you not understand how statistics work? DHs are one of the least repped classes in high lvl 3v3. If they were so easy to play there’d be more.
Who are you to question what a tournament and multi r1 dh says about his own class?
Only because you think it’s wrong doesn’t make it wrong.
You need a gcd that is missing for damage and is mostly hardcasted which means it can be interrupted or it has a longer cd. That requires infinite more skill than passive heals by doing damage!
Tren does not have supreme authority on balance. He is a player, I doubt he looks at arenamate. If you can get to 2.8K rating with DH you can get to 2.8K rating with any class.
What I think doesn’t matter one bit. What Arenamate shows matters quite a bit.
Does a Monk’s healing go down when the enemy Paladin bubbles or the Mage blocks? A DH’s healing does. So if you’re going to compare the two do it all the way.
I don’t care about your statistics. I am telling you not only what the overwhelming majority thinks but mainly what I have seen with my own eyes. People that I know and monitored who simply could not play anything else cheesed rating with that class in Legion and BFA and played that class exclusively as long as it stayed overtuned. Shadowlands changed that thankfully.
Then you don’t care about facts and that’s the end of it.
What a ridiculous notion. There’s no ‘cheesing’ at 2.8K rating. No class can make you autowin. You need to understand the mechanics of the game and every other class to get there.
Like I said, you can think what you want but convincing people to change their views on this subject is impossible at this point. We have witnessed 4 years already. Good luck and have fun in Shadowlands!
I feel this, purposely saved my trinket for the kidney but died within cheapshot anyway.
I wonder if rogues will ever get an expansion they perform poorly in.
But he obviously has a lot more knowledge about the class than you. So when he says dh was retard proof but a no name dh says it was not, I trust the person who has proven that he knows what he’s talking about!
But you are reading it wrong. All it shows you is what we told you. Most DHs are bad player.
16 DHs made it to r1. Feral had 11, Hunter had 11, DK had 18 and so on. Do you still want to say it’s not viable on high ratings?
Does your meta life leech gets removed if they do so? Because Karma does for example which is the most important defensive cooldown of ww.
Still wondering how often you died to a mage that was in his block.
Because no one wants to play a class that requires no thought proces and because demon hunter doesn’t have a single ability that can be used in any skill floor.
And also because they’re looked down upon by the majority
I’ve touched dh barely for 20 days in s3 or so, got nearly to 2.4 by pressing 3 buttons, also goes for 3s. Decided class is utterly obnoxious,no fun and boring.
Scrapped it after 20 days, never came back to it. (was my alt), Shadow on other hand, was super exciting in s4, despite not being FOTM was definitely skill capped way more then DH.
How boring that every pvp topic ends in a DH bashing… get over it already… yes it was strong, no it was not hard to play, blablabla…
stick to the topic jeez. How often must you have been recked by a DH to be this sour and frustrated .
DH isn’t op it’s retarded and braindead. Even chimpanzee can play it if you show it a banana. The reason why there are barely any DH players is because noone has fun playing it. It’s the most mongo spec among mongo specs. Fury Warrior, Ret, Enh and Frost DK are complicated compared to it. I know only two pros playing it seriously:
-Tren who played DH since it was released and got first rank 1 with it
-Trill who mains monk and played DH only because it was broken
The rest of pros who played it in AWC were pros who grabbed because it was easiest spec:
We explained everything to you in the past so i honestly just cba wasting my time with you anymore at this point.
Trump style alternate facts.
You are doing this on a daily basis.
This is literally your only argument and it has long been debunked. Just stop it already.
It’s futile anyways. You won’t change anyones mind no matter how hard you try. Mainly because you are simply wrong. Also those days of DH being noob friendly are over now. MM hunter has now taken its place.
no by class design rogues and mages cannot be bad. Even if they literally deal 0 dmg, they have more than enough tools to pair up with a random op class to enable their mongo kill window.
warlocks are a little similar but they can be mongoed down way easier when they have not op defs