Can we get smarter commands?

A really neat and simple way to have a basic 2 in 1 is
/cast harpoon
/cast raptor strike

and it works fine with action targeting, just leveling.
You can add /startattack if you turn off action targeting and want more control and lock in on specific targets, like for pvp.

But the problem is it doesn’t show icons in a smart logical way.
It casts harpoon and puts the frame on cd, even though it lets you use strikes after it.
You can force the raptor strike on it but it won’t show you the normal gcd icon,
just the 20 sec gray cd for harpoon till it refreshes after a kill.

The way icons work perfectly is with
/castsequence reset=4 harpoon, raptor strike, raptor strike, raptor strike

The problem with this however is that you need to know exactly how many strikes you will use after the harpoon to kill a target, which can be anything from 1-5 so that makes this macro really unreliable and clunky, even if you adjust the reset time.

What we need is a command that uses a skill if it’s ready,
with a order priority top to bottom,
and shows the correct icon with its gcd animation for any current skills.

So in this example we got:
Harpoon with 20 cd, resets on kill, unreliable.
Raptor strike runs on focus energy, is ready when ready.
Kill command has 5 cd but can proc to instant reset, unreliable.
Wildfire bomb always 15 cd.

The order and macro for this wanted example could be:

/castwhenready harpoon, wildfire bomb, kill command, raptor strike

Note it would not get you stuck on harpoon if the target is too close, 8-30 yards.
Only when a skill CAN be used will it use it, then rolling back to other skills.
Skill must be off cd and meet all other requirements like
distance/stealthed/in or out of combat etc.

You might wonder why won’t we have this, this makes so much sense and is so simple and effective all in 1 customisable multi skills… well that’s probably the issue here.
I assume blizz didn’t do this because you can basically do a “use the best skill ever when ready” macro, that allows botters to make 1 for all mega binds.
Also it could make gamers lazy, going to reddit and just “what best?? gib best i need best. gib macro ugabuga” copypasta bis setups and just spam 1 button all day long.

I however don’t think it’s fair for most players, to inconvenience us under the excuse of protecting us against botters. Botters have been botting for the last 20 years.
You can’t stop them, you can barely slow them down. They just keep doing it, watch the HC bots flying into stratholme.

Why should I not have access to this kinda neat macro option just because you claim there’s a monster under my bed? Don’t care, doesn’t exist, doesn’t matter, give me my macro quality of life.


No, but because the skill cap is reduced when you don’t have to pay attention to cooldowns(/buffs) because a macro does it for you.

You could just use

#showtooltip Raptor Strike
/targetenemy [noexists][dead][noharm]
/use Harpoon
/use Raptor Strike

and then make a aura with WA to show you the CD of Harpoon. Easiest way really.

Not sure why you’d need one macro to cast two different abilities tho. It’s not like you’re short on realestate on your bar.

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