Can we get some much needed warrior buffs

Rend is useless, even if buffed 10x damage it would still be less damage than 99% of the other classes dots, the 75% talent increase is laughably useless, thunderclap/whirlwind aoe limit is so low and rubbish and cleave needs making into a cone of damage instead of 1 other target, maybe with some form of downscaling damage for more targets, would improve tanking ability for warriors a much needed amount, having to shout spam for aoe threat is such a bad feeling as a tank.

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Get outta here mate, terrbile ideas. You are clueless =)

dude warriors shine in both PVE and PVP assuming they know what they are doing and have the proper group setup. what in the world are you on about?

even arms warriors can perform really well in PVE assuming they got the proper buffs, windfury and decent weapon and trinkets. we have one in our guild who often reaches top dps and the #1 dps in the game (last i checked) was a warrior.

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