Can we have exits for the end of raids and dungeons?

Once again, I’m stuck at the end of a raid with no way out unless I kill myself or hearth back to boralus.
This is pretty stupid. Many raids have a portal at the end, why not all?
In the past few weeks I have found myself trapped in BlackRock foundry and now at the top of the night spire.

Yes there are solutions I can use and take a gear damage or have to travel all the way back k here again or maybe we could have a little foresight from game designers…


I remember the first time I completed dungeon in this game, Death Mines, back in 2007. It was amazing that at the end of the dungeon there was an exit of the cave the let you more or less at the equivalent distance of the lenght of the dungeon in the inside. Not a portal, an exit just like if the dungeon was part of the same world, having sense the distance between the entrance and exit both inside and outside.

I believe that maybe all dungeons will have the same kind of exit. Oh, boy, how naïve I was back them.


It’s not a solution for all classes but… You’re a monk, just use your order hall teleport and then once you’re in your order hall just use it again and it will teleport you to the entrance of the dungeon.


As you have said, dying with the unstuck option works for me too. You have to delete the heartstone from your bag tho. It’s good to have a toy heartstone (like innkeepers daughter from archeology or the mechagon heartstone) so you also can save a bag slot. Also zero repair costs from what I know.


Garrison hearthstone
Bora hearthstone
Dalaran hearthstone
Cloaks with hearthstone
Rings with hearthstone
Engneering portals
Class hall stone
Shipyard hearthstone

Its a none issue.


Irrespective of now many millions of Hearthstones there are or how many thousands of player made portal can be generated I think Blizzard should be consistent with raid and instance end exits.

Some instances have them, some don’t. Even instances in the same instance cluster aren’t the same with regard to this, some have the fast exit, some you have to run all the way back to the start to get out.


Only ones i can think of are icc ,toc and hfc.
Many raids pre MoP SoO share lock out so not point going back .
I know its annoying but there is options .
Being a mount collector with nearly 500 mounts and being in some raids well over 1000+ times i know its a burden . But i use that time going back to freshen up visit the ladies room as flying on taxi and go again .
It really doesnt bother me 5 mins max travel but i guess to some its a huge issue .

Can’t you set your hearthstone to the nearest inn?

Some have portals to take you to the start at least, I really don’t see why they can’t just put one in or a similar feature.


Well, at least geographically, most of BFA dungeons have this sense of being “a prt of the world”, they simple doesn’t have backdoor exits.
freehold - you get whole quest chain in world.
Siege of Boralus - whole ally hub town based on it (or vica versa)
Atal’dazar/waycrest - you can fly over it, you will see all areas where you move while in dungoen
Sethralis/UR/king rest/workshop - they are closed dungoens, so it’s natural you cant see them from outside
Junkyard - justa dungoen bases on the whole zone
ML I think doesn’t have seperate open world location, not sure, never looked at it.

If you think about past x-pac dungoens, situation is the same, plenty of them based in open world as well, where you can see them

LFG/LFR just pops you back where you were, before joining the group, when you leave the group…not sure what the problem is?

Well the Eternal Palace actually had a way out. Thalyssra can teleport you out after you are finished with it.

Yeah i dont know why they stopped doing this, pretty much every Wrath and BC dungeon had a ‘‘back entrance’’ to get back to the beginning.

Maybe with Cata and onwards the dungeons just became a bit too complex geometrically to have a succinct back entrance.

If you’re in LFG you teleport out the dungeon by right clicking the little green thingy next to the mini map and then teleport back and it takes you to the start of the instance. (unless they’ve changed it in the last couple of months).

I think people are talking about solo play :slight_smile: Many will farm dungeons/raids for mogs/mounts/gold.

Totally agree, I’m sure it can’t be too hard to add a little portal that takes you back to the entrance. From there you can reset the difficulty (if doing multiple runs) or just fly to the next dungeon/raid on your list :slight_smile:


Open LFG tool.

Start a group under Custom.

Fill in whatever in name and description fields.

Right-click your picture and “leave the group”.

Get teleported to nearest grave yard after 60 seconds because you’re “no longer part of this instance’s group”.


In BRF, if you throw yourself into the fire at the end, you respawn at the start with no damage taken. Better still, just kill Blackhand fast, before the floor falls.

Not sure about Nighthold.

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In Nighthold you can jump down into the courtyard to the north. Depending on class you can prevent the falling death it will cause.


I’ve never quite understood that logic of having no exits. Some have been added over time. Like in ICC we now have a portal back down to the start. I do not understand why ‘speak to this npc’ or an actual portal out/back to start isn’t in all of them.


It would be so easy to implements. Hopefully they will consider doing that in the Shadowlands.

Especially in SoO.

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