Can we have "Ghost of the Pridemother" in Trading post?

I have it, not fussed if they brought it back for others to have it too. Not like the MT was any kind of challenge towards the end of Legion anyway.

ok my mistake. but like i said i got AH mount and i dont mind if that comes back.

Also subs are going down for retail. sooner or later they will add that skin to make people happy or to attract new players who want to play druid with that skin.

this overatted dinosaur mount i think its still accessible via black market ah…
If you have gold and you goblin blackmarket npc i think its doable to get it or maybe im wrong idk

subs are going down because people find the game garbage,pvpers quit because pvp is heavy troll with little to no updates/tweaks,raiders quit because m+ kinda killed raiding pve etc.

wow is not losing subs because a random 2020 spawned player cant get the neonkitty skin xd

mt artifacts aint coming back,they had their chance with legion timewalking or when they re-introduced mage tower,instead they brought ‘new’ rewards,the sets.

except that welfare fel bear skin which screams ‘‘i lack original nature bear color form so i end up using the fel landfil one’’ xd and this only happened becuz bear as model was a unique skeleton , unlike neon kitty which simply is a kitty with different paint even compared to defaults

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Exactly…let the rare art remain rare art like all beautifull girls in the worls, you simply cannot have them all, be happy if you have one… earn or not have, cruel but thats how it must be no other way around

Old earn based stuff shoud never ever reach trading post, under bigest taboo restriction, however blizzard can use trade post to post new unique arts… not care for those

Well atleast those neckbeards got the skins and the other neckbeards are crying about not having it. Get over it :man_shrugging:

I do sympathize. I did the mage tower challenge just because I thought I may want to use that apperance later and I didn’t even play my druid much beyond that very challenge for Legion. Realistically, I don’t think it’s likely to happen. They still haven’t let up on MoP and WoD challenge run cosmetics.

There are cool titles from back in the days that I would like but didn’t get. Don’t see me starting new threads every expansion crying about it tho. I missed my chance and that’s a part of the charm with rare stuff. If everyone has the same stuff it’s not rare anymore.

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At what point do you see OP whining about it? You’re the one coming in here crying about someone making a request.

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Did I quote the OP? Thought so. Move along…

Oh my bad. You’re just here to cry in general I guess.

Great conclusion. Now please move along. You’re a waste of time.

Yeah and let me Buy Corrupted Ashbringer, Atiesh Tbc Gladiator Nether drake, 2.4 Mop Bloody Dancing Steel Enchant Mop Cm set From the Trading Post and make every Item worthless so The Anwser is NO u :clown_face:

i hadnt had the chance to get Corrupted Ashbringer/ Atiesh Because I was too young does that mean that’s an excuse why I’m entitled to get it now?

It is good when something has value and isnt the Number 70 Recolor Mount

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Cats forms are a big deal, you do end up in cat form for most of the time. Blizzard just needs to add more to the game or create a new way of getting the form with equal value to the old way.

They did this with old PvP mounts. With druids its a different issue. Its like class idenity at this point. Druids love to collect all the different forms. Its cat pride. :cat2:


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