Can we have "Ghost of the Pridemother" in Trading post?

So I don’t know if this is ever gonna be read by the people responsible for the trading posts. I would love the opportunity to buy the “Ghost of the Pridemother” appearance for the feral druids in the trading post. Since it has been years that Legion was a thing I thought it would be a good time to actually reimplement the skins to wow cause many new feral druids would not have had the chance to get the skins and I think the trading posts would be the right tool to bring stuff like that back. Just a little prayer from a feral druid player without the awesome appearance.


Yes, or just make it possible to gain it once again.


mage tower

no ? why should you be able to just buy it

should they stop doing FOMO content ? Yes sure. add it back to the Mage Tower or make a new one and earn it

Feral druids love their different forms.

Every druid has it that is skilled up fully.

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but we can still dream :slight_smile:

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I support this trading post as long they keep posting unique items…

When they start to add items people worked for, this will trigger alot of disrespect and reason to stop playing from throngs of people, for many this is marked as beggining of the end of WoW

They’ve already said they won’t bring back the old rewards. The only reason they gave that ugly werebear skin back was because it’s a unique model. The best you could hope for is a new off-colour version but there is no chance it’d be purchasable from the trading post lol. You had to do MT for the new bear. It’d be something equivalent for this if ever, and not something you can mindlessly do while doing dailies.

I hope no. It’s an old reward for people who played the challenge back then. I am one of the people that have it, and i wouldnt like to give an exclusive and difficult to gain reward through trading post. Some rewards must remain unique for the people that the respective challenge back then

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I would just like my old cheetah form back somehow… They took it away!

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this is such a backwards comment.
Theres so many good items and skins that went missing just so some neckbeard can feel like they did manage to do a challenge 90% of the players that attempted the challenge back then had easily.
I agree it should not be a free reward from the trading post but Mage Tower functions, so put it back into the fkn game and stop wasting good content sitting in folders when it can attract and keep new players, this game is way too elitist and way too gatekeepy for this to be a healthy mindset.


Agreed. Just put it back in the mage tower.

For the people that don’t agree with this: please never farm past mounts, transmogs, achievements (and stop doing this when you are) because after all, you didn’t have it back then, so you shouldn’t have it present day :slight_smile:


I’d rather see them return it as a reward to Mage Tower than make it available through idling next to the Trading Post.

I personally wish they’d make future challenge mode rewards ever-green from the get-go. Scale the character to a given level and give them a pre-determined gear set and you’d be adding things for players to do even X expansions into the future.

BIG NO, anything which people Earned in some point shoud never ever see the trading post, posting such a items shoud be big taboo, line they shoud never cross no matter what no matter of preassure of community… concept where anyone can have anything is just bad for the game, and all items become insignificant and meaningless.

Personaly when I see blizzard puting earn items in trading post, this will be sight form me to stop WoWing, i thik army of people will do the same, this is point where wow game become meaningless

Just look this way: Which mount you woud rather ride: most ugly mount ever which only few people own, or most beutiul mount ever designed with best art, which evry member in community has. For me answer is the first one 100/100 with 0 doubts, see rarity and limits inject splendor and mystery in this game, when anyone has anything, entire WOW is MEANINGLESS and not worth of anyone time.

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so you say blizz should deleate all old content raids and mounts like in pandaria spawns with rare mounts etc because people killed and earned it when it was current and now they shouldnt be option for them to get it??

man are you unable to understand the difference between time limited challenge reward compared to rare drops?

time limited reward means it gets removed because its tied to a specific time challenge based on the classes/specs/spells on that time which is impossible to be recreated since the game is moving forward.

it has nothing to do with old content you are talking about
these mop mounts from pandaria are still obtainable,they might have low drop rate,they are rare but they have nothing to do with any challenge.

thats why they have no prestige and they are irrelevant anyway,everyone can go and get them at any time,its only pure luck.

you guys heavy trolling tbh,you need challenge rewards to be brought back to everyone by petting 10 critters on trading post quest? :clown_face:

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Mage tower is back so i dont see why cat skin shoudnt be brought back as reward again…

because its not the same challenge like the one we had during Legion maybe?

Different challenge = different reward
you can go run the mt now and the get recolor set if u want

I have all new rewards from mage tower. I want pridemother skin added to game again. Just because you have dsnt make it a flex. I have lot of time limited rewards like AH mount, blue proto drake and etc and i dont mind if they bring it back to others
Worst scenario they should give us similar glowing cat costumization or something

And i want to go on a date with scarlett johansson!i guess i will not make it anytime soon tbh…

also i dont have the neon kitty skin either but ofc its a flex
its a damn beautiful skin and those who have it can showoff because we - the rest of the druids who dont have it,we crave it so much and its ok.

but hey,at least you have the option to get the neon kitty skin u crave that much if you start playing on a prive server because on retail its not happing xd

btw this blue proto drake you mean?

becuz this aint time limited reward man xd