Can we have more than 1 Bullion per week please

Better off getting mogs and mount with an alt, and gearing with your main.

Imagine someone getting a good feature and still COMPLAIN ABOUT IT, They just dont understand

You get 3 items in 2 weeks (vault X2- 1 item bought with new currency)- ( you might win some rolls too) What else do you need? …

  • Or How about you change title to, “Blizzard i dont wanna play the game, i just need loot for whatever reason pls give it all to me by spending 3h in the game, i have kids and family im very casual”
  • …
  • That’s What i thought
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rest of stuff ?

also specs which play 2 weapons like weapon and shield are gimped because they can buy only 1 bis ring.

and t be fair - in season which should be esigned around - have a blast because its 3 months and new expansion - its a nightmare because if you want to play anything more then m0 then you have extreme heavy grind since day 1.

most people will very likely just opt out.

for me personaly i dont see any reason to gear up if you dont plan to go for portals.

If you re like me and use multiple specs, then just for having the bare minimum for all of them I’d need to spend those bullions on two weapons, one ring (Diurna) and 4 trinkets. That is with me choosing trinkets that are good for both Brewmaster and Windwalker.

But then this system was not designed to replace the gearing process, so I think 5 is still good enough to get the job done. They could make it drop faster atleast, in my opinion.

I’m not saying the feature is bad, what I’m saying is that it’s implemented lazily, evident by the fact that 2h has the same price as 1h.
And for people who don’t play alts or enjoy multiple specs hell even if they enjoy both raiding and m+ there just wont be enough before war comes out.
Im not so far up blizzards butt to not see the flaws of the system and i want it to be better for everyone.

Also not what i said i want them to increase the amount from 1 per week to 2 per week cutting it down from almost 4 months.
To just under 2 months giving us around 2 months to just mess around without having to worry about gear and just doing silly things.

No you dident think anything you sound like a avrage blizzard fanboy unabel to see the flaws of the system eating the few crumbs of a good thing like its a 5 star meal.

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losers opt out - gamers be efficient and play around the system. you can quit

there is no point playing 2 specs in such a short patch tbh .

we have 11 resets left before you will replace your gear with leveling blues from dungeons.

i did quit on 10 of my alts . out of which at least 4 were tank alts . so technialy its less tanks in lfg because of this - regardless of how mediocre tank i am :slight_smile:

I will live with less tanks in +0 to +3 bracket.

This season gave me a good reason to play my army of alts. There are some really cool looking skins I want to buy with Bullions.


People like you are the reason why the retail game is dying and not growing.
If you have to play around a system to use it proper it’s a bad system, get off your high horse and stop killing the game.

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and guaranteed gear = easier alt gearing tbh so i love it too. idk why ppl cry

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is it because you dont do that bracket so your dont care for people playing it ? :slight_smile:

giga-chad yes meme.

other people will switch tanks eventually. you won’t be missed.

Now now now gimme gimme gimme

You get like 440 right? Thats barely entry level gear now

it on its own track so they can be upgraded all the way to mythic ilvl

Not everyone like to play alt, some (like me), want to focus on 1 character.


well y ,i you get drops on alts that y ned . Thats sems to be i BIG issu ! Whis loot and Bullions