Can we have old void form back now?

hard to see some one can pull off the old style would ever enjoy this current one =)))) I’m no expert player and still enjoy the old shadow, and you constantly brought up the raid dps of shadow like it’s ever an issue before, so I assumed you never succeed with the old one, but if thats not the case then I apologised =))) hope that explains

I didn’t bring up shadows previous raid performance as negative, I’d honestly say shadow was very fortunate throughout BFA and legion that not only was the spec tuned well but the encounter design lent itself well to shadows then multi target strength, as well as not being intrusive enough mechanically to make voidform a liability. I’d especially point out Tomb of Sargeras for having every single boss allow uninterrupted minute cycle gameplay with perfect play, even KJ.

However, I dont think the encounters in castle nathria would work well with voidform, especially on mythic where there is a huge focus on burst damage, as well as far more disruption that voidform shadow just wouldn’t be able to handle.

Also ye, I enjoyed it then and was good at it, but I could also see how in future bliz just weren’t going to keep making encounters where it worked, their desire to add knockbacks / gimmicks / multiple platforms and generally just make raid encounters stranger just sits at odds with how voidform shadow used to play. Im also enjoying it now, and I kinda hate my warlock.

okey, your 1st comment on this post rubbed me the wrong way throughout this conversation. I guess to each his own, I will always feel sorry that the whole void theme and the maintaining mechanics are all going to waste, and dont know when we can ever see this combo again, and I’m bitter that loosing all this and shadow still find itself in the same spot (not sure about pvp, but I guess thanks to PI, Shadow still a great support to fire mage maybe =))) )

But if you like how it is now, then good for you, enjoy =)))

Yeah that comment was specifically in reference to the current raid Castle Nathria, and how a stripped back BFA style shadow would have been in it.

Honestly I do hope mechanically voidform, or something resembling it does make a return. Just not as the only DPS spec a class has, and not instead of the spec people lost when Legion released.

Also shadow is doing pretty well in arena, keeping its own pi. Gets rolled over by turbo at the high end but that’s been the case forever, specs doing well though and can pretty much play with any DPS, instead of being forced to play with destro lock.

shadow priest identity isn’t voidform which existed for 4 years out of 16 :man_shrugging:


Worth noting I don’t think there has ever been an iteration of Shadow that wasn’t conceptually flawed in Mythic+ dungeons, even if SL and BFA Shadow were/are capable of the damage necessary to compete. It’s a problem Bliz are going to need to find a genuine solution to.


You can argue that its was when it was in use. The 4 out of 16 years argument, is just a red herring. True or not it does not affect the conclusion that shadow form could have become iconic to the class when it existed.

Now shadow forms is gone, this has lead to players seeing that SP has had one of its iconic features removed. I feel that way as well. This the point Quindash appears to make and you created your post as a sophistry attempt to undermine.

This whole thread just stinks of internet (web) brigade. Cant you just let him have his opinion?


Lmao. Gimme some of what you’re smoking.

As for doing partial damage on packs in M+ because the tank doesn’t know how to pull with a Priest in the party was definitely the highlight of my experience in Legion :slight_smile: Not.

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Quindash they are here just to attack you and shut you up. Ignore the negative posts or fight them. If you fight back the mod here will ban you for every little thing. Thats why they are all aimed at you and trying to start arguments with you. This is why the priest forums are basically dead.

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I did not play wow before Legion but have heard the current shadow is a return to the versions pre-Legion, and if that’s the case then sweetie, it’s not an identity <3

An identity exist when it is effectively unique and set out from the rest, you cannot mistake it for any others. And old voidform was the mechanic that has never been seen in any other class or spec, and that’s what I meant by an identity love.

What’s wrong with that statement? the spec was deadass too hard to optimize that’s why yall cried to remove it?

Reroll a warlock then… dont know why you hate the style of a spec and then protest on here to make sure it become as generic as any other dps spec? Can yall let people enjoy a diversity of play style? now everything is the same with different visuals and spell names…

But anw, you’re obviously a troll so Imma head out and not feed into it =)))

Thank you for the support :grin: you’re right this forum is quite dead already (lowkey hope new shadow will die down soon too), so I will not entertain more trolls. Just gonna wait for the day another caster (hopefully with void theme) will replace the old shadow. But thank you so much tho =)))

all right, then stop talking out of your butt about class identity. shadow’s identity isn’t voidform, like it or not. spec identity is a strong combination / interaction between dots and direct damage, decent healing/utility. class identity is the duality between shadow and light.

maybe you should check what “identity” means.

oh no, the forums will lose another random cringelord. sad.


I 100% agree voidform is a part of SP’s class identity. I really dont see why his opinion has any problems worth attacking.

Straight to the insults everyone else gets banned for, so bold like the forum rules dont apply.

The whole thread reads like one person and his alts, just attacking the OP.

Having a different outer appearance is sufficient these days i suppose =))))

Lol, this forum soon gonna be run by the world quest doers like you, not surprise =))) enjoy

Lol, just ignore that incel, I saw him in another thread about voidform. Act like he’s knowledgeable but just talked a bunch of nothing and being tone deaf on purpose, I mean the whole discussion is about core play style/ mechanic, and he really just jumped in and said the aesthetic of light and shadow is the identity, and attached to it is a description of how affliction warlock and boomkin (or any other dot spec for that matter) play also, just further prove my points :skull_and_crossbones: He can’t even show his main to prove he’s ever played seriously with a spriest lol.

Well…you just did man. Sorry to break it up to you but Aalok is the biggest clown in priest community. And that isnt even an opinion…its just a fact…

Who? The guy I’m replying to? Well, in this thread he said nothing but an opinion that he liked old voidform, like literally nothing else (you gonna need to tell more for such accusation), the rest however…

Legion voidform was fun in raids, I played a fair amount of shadow priest in mythic tomb of sargeras and a couple in mythic antorus too but you could tell it was extremely encounter dependent. Fortunately encounter mechanics that would make the spec unplayable were pretty rare, but even then there were some weird quirks, Mythic Imonar for example felt way worse to play shadow on than in heroic because he jumped across platforms twice as often.
Awkwardly-timed intermissions and mechanics that deleted your boss uptime at the wrong point were an absolute nightmare for the spec (this is actually a huge issue with disc too but we’re not talking about that spec), because the damage was backloaded towards the end of the voidform. Imagine getting ghosts in xymox, or crystalize in SLG with the old void form? In the end though if you knew what you were doing, it was fine and a lot of fun.

In raids, voidform was OK. But raiding isn’t the only pve in the game…

Solo questing: Shadow priest was like pulling teeth. The spec literally does not work, by the time you VE the mob’s dead. You don’t even get to use the core mechanic of the spec while you’re leveling it, or doing world quests. Multiple times in BFA I tried getting back into the game, and the absolutely awful gameplay of shadow when playing solo made me quit time and time again. It wasn’t until SL prepatch that I could even stomach playing my priest without wanting to uninstall the game. In Legion I played as disc, but in BFA they nerfed disc damage (and in SL nerfed it again) so I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’m pretty sure if they kept old voidform I’d have quit the game again, the idea of doing torghast with old VF makes me feel a little sick…

Dungeons: Honestly I hear where you guys are coming from where it CAN work, but it’s seriously flawed from a low-intermediate level of play. By the time you get a few stacks of void form going, the pack dies and by the time the tank has reached the next pack VF has dropped… other dps specs obviously have their preferences in how a tank pulls but it’s never the difference between a spec working or not…
Ultimately the dungeon issue isn’t as big a deal as there’s a workable solution for it.

Now all of this WOULD be fine actually, I’m really glad that so many ppl liked older VF but when shadow is the only DPS spec priests have, not everyone is picking shadow out of choice, and when you’re choosing between soloing stuff as a healer or as a dps spec, you’re going to pick the path of least resistance.

I dont. Because it would ignite endless offtopic debate. If youre new around here and dont wanna talk or feed trolls, take it as an friendly warning. Nothing else. :crazy_face:

I hear you, that’s why I believe in choices, each class should offer a different flavor to players. there are many specs that is overally good in all contents for you to pick from, and then there should be challenging specs that will excel in longer and more intense fight like old shadow, many people loved it, why cant we let it be and enjoy other spec if it does not fit your style… but i guess the problem is old voidform was not the original design of shadow, many people feel angry this is no longer the similar spec they used to so the up roar happened =)))) Just hope a new spec will come for the voidform fandom


Back to name calling and insults which is against the fourm rules. Why do you never get banned. I have warned Quindash you are just here to attack him.

@Quindash they are here just to harass you because you stated, “Can we have old void form back now?” Only talk to the normal players. We are not attacking you. We understand your opinion.

Almost everyone here is just trolling you. Stop talking to them, they just want to draw you into an argument. Insult and abuse you. Then the mod will ban you if you lash out back at them. They never seem to get banned, no matter how bad they get. They will keep going for months.

No. Blizzard has decided we should be boring this expansion.