So, as we know, the “common” language for Alliance is common and orcish for Horde. So it’s easily presumable that when there isn’t a [Thalassian] or [Forsaken] in front of our /s chat, we’re speaking either of the aforementioned languages.
But during cross faction roleplay, I feel like you can’t really assume every Alliance race will speak orcish when addressing one of the Horde race, vice versa and then switching back to common/orcish when addressing one of their own faction.
Not to mention when a conversation involves several people that are cross faction.
And to add more to that, languages are very, very rarely mentioned in any WoW novels, as far as I can remember, so it’s pretty safe to assume that everyone speaks common like it was english in the real world and switching over to their native tongue when in a private setting, with only other members of their race.
Which, I think should be followed suit in RP.