Can we nerf bastion spear?

I know there are many problems in WOW right but Bastion Spear 10 second root during double melee cleave is a major problem that needs to be looked at. Maybe make Spear last 6 seconds instead of 10?

Spear is 8 seconds duration

i like the design idea of it.

You know that you can feign death out of it?

generally it would be fine if it wouldnt also increase your dmg output massively.

i mean my static fail totem does the same, just gives me 0 dmg and can be killed withing 1 hit and last even less.
balance i guess :man_shrugging:

Spear should not be a problem for a Hunter at all, you can feign every one. Also if you play with a Priest, your Priest can MC the Warrior during the spear and you can simply walk out of it.

If you go into your spellbook, and search for an ability called ‘Feign Death’, you’ll quickly realize that it has a 25 second cooldown, and with a legendary, it in fact completely counters Spear of Bastion.

Wowza, why is that?

Spear of Bastion cooldown is one minute, while feign death cooldown, is 25 seconds.

This way, you’ll never be stuck in spear again! Who would’ve thought…

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