idk this specc is 2 easy to be so broken
If its so easy and broken why u playing arms?
yes yes jumped onto my fresh 80 fury war. Can confirm things are hitting VERY hard… I honestly dont know what im doing im just pressing all my cds and mashing buttons and deleteing ppl in pvp xD
i never played fury lol
He is playing fury. I saw him play fury in a random battleground a few days ago.
Is this supposed to be an argument? Fury being braindead is undisputable. And there are people that don’t enjoy speccs that literally just require you to smash your buttons as fast as you can. Even worse when these speccs are the strongest your class has at the moment.
Nothing is more braindead than warlock right now.
Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. What is most braindead in this game?? Fury Dh Bm , lock mage devo , retri or monk (WW FW) ?
In my opinion anything with dots/bleeds is the most braindead gameplay. And thats assa/affli/feral they take the first place.
Second place is the AI pet classes BM and demo.
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