Can we nerf rogue and warlock plz?

Can we plz nerf warlock and rogue that have way too much survivability and basically can never die. It feels very unfun to play into. Both are tank classes with huge damage and control, what are you thinking blizzard??

Feel the same way about rdruid/boomie/ww/arms/dh. :slight_smile:

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You play warrior, dk and dh, your request is invalid. Try to zugug more and enjoy your free rating against lock. Nerf rogue though.


Warlock doesn’t need any kinds of nerfs. Demo needs a complete rework the design is an absolute joke and time waster of anybody involved in a game with the spec. If you’re struggling as a melee into Warlock it’s quite literally your own problem

Destro and Affli could use tweaks to damage sources. Bolt damage can go higher, instant dmg can be tweaked. Same for Affli kind of, might use an instant Shadowfury as well

Rogue is just a complete meme at this point and needs several rounds of tuning, especially Sub

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Isnt it clear at this point that rogue will always have one busted spec usually sub? Blizzard is always shy with nerfing rogue and all they get are small slaps on the wrist few times in a season and then its busted again for the next season.

The only class that needs “real” nerfs and can never die is currently sub rogue.

Some other specs should probably be tuned up/down, sure, but sub needs hard nerfs and doesn’t even come close to the rest

I think there is no problem with warlocks.
Fact, that they are strong, but imagine that: you have to cast spells to do dmg, 70% of the spells are not instant, almost have 0 mobility or freedom, 0 immunity against massive dmg.

They have to shot BIG.

I know i know, with 2 caster the team is almost rule the match, but imagine that, with melee classes you have: mobility, immunity against magics, interrupt, jump, teleport etc.

And every spell U use is instant :smiley:

So casters has a price.

They have much more skill to survive, and do CC in right time maybe a help from the other dps, to slow down dmg on his teammate.

Playing as a caster is very hard. I know, Demo can pump dmg without casting, but man. Ur best friend is a wall :smiley:

But i agreed with rogs. They are immortal high burst dmg dealers, can win a fight only if they just throw stuns, and CCs and interrupts from miles way. Y.

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I think warlocks are stronger than average, even S tier, but that’s ok. I don’t mind some specs being stronger, and some weaker, as these things change all the time and balance can never be achieved.

You have a clear win conditions vs warlock and they can die in 3-4 setups, especially after wall is down. I’ve had 2k and duelist shuffles where a warlock who played well still got 0-6 or 1-5 because of a bad lobby. “kill the lock” every round and they were not bad players. They used portals, gates, etc. and still got countered, because just that’s how it is sometimes.

Sub on the other hand is not S tier but god tier and is the most unbalanced spec we’ve had in the whole expansion, only maybe comparable to ret in 10.0.7. However, ret got hotfixed on a Friday, because it’s popular and everybody played it, while sub rogue is as overpowered, but is still like that for months because nobody wants to learn that horrible spec and somehow goes under the radar.



Lock seems to only be a problem when they are with Rdruid.

That is not really fair right? I play resto druid, disc priest, combat rogue, ele shaman, frost mage, bm hunter, retribution and windwanker as well!:slight_smile:

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