Can we please access warbank stored materials when putting Crafting Orders up?

Title basically.

You can access materials just fine if they are stored in your personal bank but not the warbank.

Sorry, if there is a better category for this. It is the closest I found.


Yeah it’s seems really stupid that we have a shared bank where all our characters can deposit regents and then you have to run to the bank to withdraw the mats everything you need to craft.

Same problem when you need to buy something from a vendor with mats, like many of the DF vendors. If in warbank you have to go withdraw them, even though the vendor does show you have the mats to purchase the item.

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Yeah, I totally don’t understand why can’t we use warbank for crafting orders.
This totally defeat purpose of warbank for me because its more annoying to run everytime to bank for needed materials especially when I make many patron orders than just keep everything on my personal one.

I was so happy when it was announced but now I just feel dissapointed.


HARD agree

Yes, I really don’t understand how something like this even happen?!

The idea of the warbank is for us to store our mats there.
But then when we do, we get punished for doing so… It’s crazy!

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So we can use material in warbank for crafting own things but crafting orders is a no go.
Who on earth came up with this idea from developers end?

Are we supposed to use the 2h cooldown mobile warbank? Hint, it says 2h cooldown.

Please make this change requested by op happen sooner than later.

Cant believe that this is how it is suppose to work - it has to be a bug.
Please repair it fast.

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I agree, It’s annoying.

it’s annoying because you still have to move here and there to pick items or store material on all profession alts, so not big change for quality of crafters life so far since past…it works more like guild bank than account bank.
Another annoying (or stupid) thing is that all new material is moved from bags to tab 1 (using right click) even I have ie tab 3 opened.So I want to put some new herbs to tab X but it’s auto moved to tab 1 where I store ie food … nonsense.Actually this is worse than guild bank where it works like it should work.

its considered a bug by blizz atm.

Blizzard plz fix this… This is horrible running back and forth …

U know i can somewhat understand blizz had trouble intergrading the warbank so it still has issues but what i dont get is why u havent made the spell for the warbank 10 min while u fix the warbands issues so ppl dont have to run back and forth like headless chickens atm the warbank is more of a bother and annoyance then help to be honest


This is the only acceptable solution for now. I too understand it can be difficult to program this. But in its current state, warband bank is not viable as a feature. I bet changing the cooldown on this temporarily takes a dev 5 mins

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Will there ever be a reply? News ? A fix?

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