Can we please adjust MMR PLEASE + rant other sh*t

I understand that people should be climbing and if they’re continuously winning they should be playing in higher games which would make it more fun for them and put them in the correct skill level.
However people are winning 4 games on a lucky streak are like 25-17 but end up in 2.7-2.9K games and are completely clueless on what is going on.
On flag carry maps this isn’t that big of an issue however with maps like silvershard where you play more strategically than just ooga booga zug zug lava it’s annoying as fk, same goes for any flag/base holding maps where people just don’t know what to do and you most likely just lose.
Seeing players just randomly run to other bases losing ur team teamfights/bases etc.
Maybe some adjustments to MMR some options for people to learn a small tutorial perhaps to newer blitz players (yes clueless people show up in high games)

and add some of the following indicators:

  • If a flag is capped in EOTS ping both available bases as a reminder to your teammate that is stuck on mid that hey there is a base available maybe check it out and get it.
  • Indicator of how much points a flag capture gives again applying to EOTS (175 Single base capture, 250 Double)
  • Indicator for people that you will lose on a 1-1 score (essentially draw) in flag capture game.
  • Ping bases coming available in warsong etc again as an indicator that it became available.
  • Add medallion/freedom type of spell to raid frame for those that don’t have addons so you know you might have to help someone defending if he’s not vocal about not having trinket.
  • Add BattleGroundEnemies as a default to the game to see enemies being targetted (why is this not in the game?)
  • Add Timers for SSM so the people don’t get confused on what caps first and we don’t have to use WA’s for this.

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