Can we please be allowed to Dual Wield on Survival?

I remember playing a Hunter back in BC, gearing up with Honor and opting to use two 1h Swords instead of a spear for my melee slots. Dual wielding just felt so much cooler and better than using a 2h for me.

I can still equip two 1h weapons, I can still throw bombs and tell my pet to hit stuff and use almost all of my toolkit except for the main attack, Raptor Strike. Why? Why is there a limit like this?

I’ve mentioned this a few times and people always tell me “But agi 1h weapon drops are so competitive already!!” …the entire game is on personal loot, there’s zero reason for this argument. Besides, I’d be perfectly fine if they didn’t let us get weapon drops. I could always trade for them, or buy from PvP vendors.

Legion artifact made Survival locked in to a 2h melee weapon, so I get where that came from. But it also locked WW Monks and Frost DKs in to dualwielding and tank monks into using 2h weapons. But they lifted all these restrictions in Shadowlands, right? Why was Survival left out of this? Why wasn’t the arbitrary 2h limitation lifted on Raptor Strike, Carve, Harpoon and Flanking Strike? Even damned KILL SHOT is limited to 2h weapons, when it’s not even using your weapon to begin with.

I just want to use the fancy yellow laser swords from Hirukon…


Cause Dual wield don’t match with the flaw damage of the spec.
Pet auto attack + special pet attack + serpent sting dot + bomb dot + bleed dot … imagine + dual wield white damage couple with huge amount of haste . It will be too much.
And it don’t feet with certains talent choice.
For dual wield they have to almost redesign the spec (again).

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all they need to do is let you mog 2h into 1h weapons and it will solve this problem entirely


There are so much things to fix in Survival, starting with the lack of utility .
Dual wielding is one of the most demanded in its current melee state. I am not counting the “bring back ranged” painful yields.
As for me, I would let us choose dual wielding or 2H just as Sparkyhorn argues. Let us choose and manage our unique toolkit. I dont care about “rotations” and 2% dps differences, but about “fun”.
Survival is -may be- the less cared spec from Blizzard. Feels like residual. No love. No nothing.
Oh, and PLEASE… bring back the Snake Trap. Yeah, no kidding.

If we don’t talk about melee spot vs ranged spot what is the lack utility ?
BL /trap/ Binding shot (talent)/ stun/ misdirection/ dispell magic & enrage and cac kick shorter cd than bm / mm.
And for dual wielding, i forget the special animation that they create when you hit with mangouste bite. very fun & visualy rewarding to me.
personnal taste, i love hit/ animation with a spear/2H specialy with troll animations than piou piou 2x1h dagger/ sword / axe.
but it’s “my” taste.

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